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Everything posted by ohchaucer

  1. Any episode with a Taylor Negron cameo is redeemed in my mind.
  2. Nana, nice to see you. Ni-ni-ni-ni-NANA!
  3. Hard to go wrong with a perfect piano black with the lights glinting off the hardware and cymbals. I love me some pretty drums, but if I were to ever be a road warrior again, I think I might just go black and not look back. Also makes it easy to bring in all sorts of other drums or accessories from any maker and still “match.”
  4. Maybe think of turning Texas blue as a nice swan song before the whole place is vaporized by the sun. I used to tell my team when I was at a fledgling company, “There is no cavalry coming. It’s just us.” But believing in the possibility was the thing that always most motivating. I have been displaced up in blue states for years: CA, NY and now CT. During Beto’s run I volunteered up here to do phone banking, etc and met a number of other Texas exes (meaning the state and UT) and there was a very real sense of helping from the outside because it was so hard to change from the inside. Almost like we knew our energy wasn’t needed to make any changes up here (coastal CT is about as liberal as a place can be), so let’s pitch in from afar. I’d never done that before but for Beto there was a very real sense even up here that he could actually pull it off with just a little extra nudge. That also speaks to the energy of his local campaign whose influence was widely felt. Point being, get that optimism turning into action from “the inside” and I think there will be a multiplier effect sooner than later in Texas.
  5. Wow, indeed. From 4:00 to 4:55 it’s like there’s nobody else on the stage with her.
  6. - You don’t even know what a write-off is. - Do you? - No, I don’t. - But they do. And they’re the ones writing it off. -…… I wish I had the last 20 seconds of my life back.
  7. That’s so good. He’s just such a moron. As an aside, paper straws ARE the worst though, amirite?
  8. 4 door FJ to compete with Bronco? No idea. I also am still trying to figure out the sequoia role in the line-up. It’s now going to be the biggest and potentially priciest at the TRD fully loaded end. So is it now the full size grocery-getter-in-wolf’s-clothing that the previous LC was? Either way, I’ll take one of each - taco, 4T, LC and sequoia. And I guess I’ll just go ahead and get a tundra too. All of the lineup is gonna be badass by 2025.
  9. I agree completely (about your whole post, but this part in particular). My only point has been that indictments or even convictions aren’t going to solely do the job of flipping the script. That focus still has to be on the election. And of course Trump faces new and much more consequential headwinds this time ‘round, but given the magnitude of the threat, it’s not doomsday to simply say “leaving fucking NOTHING to chance.” Shift his chances of victory from the realm of “possible” to “get fucked, fatso” and do so with extreme prejudice. No mercy. And no assumptions that anything changes the script materially except for more votes (or states, more accurately) for Biden than for Trump next November.
  10. It’s my medical opinion that you’re making a big mistake. And it’s going… in my chart.
  11. That’s about as well said as I’ve ever heard on the issue. Bravo.
  12. The underlying point to all of, well, everything is that nothing matters if Trump is elected in 2024. There is no armchair quarterbacking, hindsight, or prediction about anything at all that even slightly mitigates the fact that Trump will be the GOP candidate and therefore has a chance to become president - no matter what else happens. All the energy spent wondering “what if” should instead be spent laying foundations for an overwhelming voter turnout initiative for the good guys. Beat him in 2024 is the only sure way to save our country.
  13. I had an FJ 60 about which I thought the same thing…. Right about until the time it’s new owner got to the end of my street and never looked back. Of course, I didn’t have a new boat to turn to, so YMMV.
  14. Chris Robinson Sinead Sam Fender Lou Reed Ani DiFranco John Hiatt
  15. I think it’s a colostomy bag for when he lifts heavy.
  16. No, I cannot! It's serious! Because it's very important piece.
  17. This seems like the right thread. It’s been years since I’ve been to Sardi’s but it’s always a fun time for a drink if it’s not full tourist season. This feels like another piece of old New York gracefully slipping away and it makes me happy for the couple of decades I’ve been a part of this town. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/01/nyregion/sardis-bartender-joe-petrsoric.html Cue Seinfeld Tony Award episode clips…..
  18. And you look like you could use a - Jerry!
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