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Everything posted by ohchaucer

  1. Yeah those monarchs look nice. I have an 8x42 cheapo acculon pair that I’ll probably keep around but they are bulky and lots of blur.
  2. By the way, what binoculars are people rocking these days? I’m in need of an upgrade. Partly for general birding and partly because we got a bluebird house and hung it from the perfect tree only to look back and realize it’s about 75 yards from our house! (Still no tenants yet - hoping in the Spring).
  3. Those kinglets are cool looking. We get a million of northern flickers in fall and spring here and the kinglets remind me of little baby ones.
  4. I’m a softie so…. Lots of times. One of the first that I recall was the series finale of Cheers. Just a perfect ending and performance. Also most surprising was the proposal to Leslie Knope in Parks and Rec. It’s just such a happy moment and there is very real chemistry with them.
  5. I think she’s telling you she needs a metronome.
  6. That list is dumb for many, many reasons but no Chris Robinson makes it fundamentally invalid.
  7. That’s the look of someone who’s gonna play the hell out of her new guitar! I dig the color.
  8. Oh sure. Like HE went to Harvard.
  9. Oh, those aren’t for new years…. those are my everyday balloons.
  10. I’ve seen a few in the wild up here (CT) but not many. I guess it’s possible those are all dealer cars?
  11. So, my 2006 Cruiser took a tree limb right through the sunroof and is totaled. Been considering getting 2016/17 Cruiser and just driving til one of us expires. But then looking at the new sequoia and it looks pretty sweet, TRD in particular. Anyone driven (or own) one? Thoughts?
  12. Actually thinking back on Larry Miller, he was in his standup prime back in the mid 90s when standup was also in its prime (hello, Short Attention Span Theater!). And his five levels of drinking bit used to kill me every time.
  13. Same. Larry Miller’s masterpiece!
  14. Some of those remind of the old Yamaha club customs. I kick myself that I didn’t buy a kit of them back in the day. Hard to find lately.
  15. I can’t see the link, but I’m gonna agree with JJ. Do it!
  16. Family visits fell through so kids did kid stuff and I made a bolognese for wife and me. Simple and good.
  17. Okay, here’s what I think you do…. Click link below Buy drum Play and take pics Report back here ???? Profit Easy! https://www.sweetwater.com/c1330--Concert_Snare_Drums?highlight=LB508R&mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=1&mrkgcat=drums&percussion&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=92700073013174237&lid=92700073013174237&ds_s_kwgid=58700007963105273&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007215323&dsproductgroupid=1747729299761&product_id=LB508R&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=m&network=u&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9003447&creative=615094225364&targetid=pla-1747729299761&campaignid=17968563287&awsearchcpc=&gclid=CjwKCAiAhqCdBhB0EiwAH8M_GnpfKxdevkJPSDHZiHuJPXeWjakfEaP0L1xXZuhMQuBcsAsIh91ZIhoCx4UQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  18. Yeah, Ludwig bronze is hard to come by. Especially hammered. They have an unfinished bronze that is pretty but I’ve never played or seen in person. They also tend to be 8”. At 6.5” or less it would sound like a cracked whip.
  19. Wow, @Patricio Swayze is this a hobby or profession. And generate speaking, what is your setup for equipment?
  20. That looks amazing. Recipe or tips learned from the rounds of perfecting?
  21. Oh, I suppose you think you’re bomb-able!
  22. Damn - comin’ in hot for the holidays. I’m a Ludwig snare guy all the way (and love an olive badge Supra) but that Gretsch is a looker. Well done.
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