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Everything posted by ohchaucer

  1. My favorite aspect of this episode is the callback several episodes later when they see Dolores on the street, but George only remembers her as Mulva. Good stuff.
  2. Ha, snacks, my first car was a Protege stick. Was a pretty peppy car for a young dipshit like me who had no better idea. I first drove stick on a 76 Datsun pickup. Let's just say the bed of that truck doesn't weigh much... I left a lot of rubber on the parking lot of the Wet 'n' Wild Garland. (wait, that almost doesn't sound right).
  3. That bolognese (and the pasta it's on) looks fantastic. Do you put cream in your and/or cheese at any point in the cooking process?
  4. Those S2000 folks are obsessive and drop TONS of money into them.
  5. "There's a hair in my farina! There's a hair in my farina!"
  6. Before this, I honestly didn't know there was such a thing as being unable to enlist in the army (outside of medical or multiple, serious felony record disqualifications).
  7. George, you coming to bed? I'm taping Mad About You.....
  8. Alden - anything in cordovan if you want them to last forever. They are pricey and the cordovans are about $200 more than their regular leather counterparts, but I have a pair of loafers, chukkas and a longwing wingtip and they are all 10+ years old and look new still. They also have a range of widths.
  9. This season was nuts.... was bound to end in a bit of heartbreak for either team. The Sox were just the better team pretty much for the duration. That said, fuck Boston in every way. And I never mind a chance to be a 'Stros fan for a few weeks.
  10. She doesn't appreciate the erotic qualities of salted cured meats.
  11. Sorry about that previous post. Here's what I was trying to post earlier.
  12. That'd definitely eat, Lando. One thing to try.... after the oven, let rest a bit and also pat VERY dry then sear in a dry skillet for a little longer - you want to pull the steak out a little earlier and then get a deeper sear without overcooking. To be fair, I only ever Sous Vide and so not as practiced at the reverse method, but that has helped with the SV steaks I make. But, if that's the worst you're getting, you're doing just fine.
  13. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=2ahUKEwizg6e29PndAhWPylMKHYw9BHgQwqsBMAJ6BAgAEAo&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D59LdQJex8DI&usg=AOvVaw3am_2kI98ZZrfjQ8J3e7wZ
  14. I feel like some additional points for going beyond the paper plate all the way to styrofoam. I didn't realize they even made those anymore.
  15. Damn. One of the nicest "famous" people I ever met. He used to do security for some of our parties and would often end up performing and just hanging out. Truly a gentle giant. And talented as hell. Can't link it right now, but last night I read Andy Langer's piece he wrote on him back in the mid-90s just as he was getting a lot of attention. Really told the story of how special he was. RIP
  16. I last ate a bag of chili cheese Frito's with a Diet Dr. Pepper in the parking lot of the Home Depot from which I purchased both. Finished both - no regrets.
  17. You've never seen me play. I'm super indie.
  18. I should note, too, that my dream kit is pictured to the left here. If you happen to find one of those in your search, I'll pay you a finder's fee! (kidding/not kidding)
  19. That vistalite kit is badass and I love Ludwigs in general. You should really go play with some other woods if you're looking for something different just for fun - oak, walnut in particular are kinda cool. Yamaha's high end drums are the best drums made right now, IMO. I really like the recording customs but you should also check out ebay/reverb and find a 5 piece setup club custom. Totally rad. It's a shame they don't make them anymore.
  20. This whole Stevie vs. Jimmie thing.... am I taking crazy pills? I'm going to go dig up the Austin City Limits taping and try and calm down. Jesus H.
  21. Rock climbing, all right... I am DOWN. I'll make some sandwiches. Tuna? Peanut Butter?
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