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Everything posted by ohchaucer

  1. If you're finally going to learn to play, you should probably buy another guitar, though.
  2. Speaking of G&L and finishes: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid
  3. That's good stuff, right there.
  4. Don't recall if there was an all-encompassing drums thread at the old place, but here goes: That's my last drumset being loaded up into the car to head to its new owner when my drum room was turned into a nursery. Custom built maple-shells in orange sparkle with white powder coated hardware. They were kinda ridiculous and I would never buy/build like that again, but at the time, I loved 'em. And at gigs, someone ALWAYS would ask about them. I usually played them in a Bonham set-up - one rack and two floor toms. And the kick was monsterous - 24" x 24" Good memories. Now I'm about to be back on the market for my next kit.
  5. Dammit. I was hoping in the post-Shaggy reality, we'd have a different president. I has disappoints. Oh, well. Carry on!
  6. I agree, but honestly, part of the reason I was so drawn to this one is that, otherwise, it's fucking IMPOSSIBLE for me to choose a color in guitars. Love gold top LPs, but also black or white or red; love sea foam green strats, but also white, sunburst, silver; love pretty much every color tele. The mind reels!
  7. Just wanted to re-introduce my LP.
  8. Some stuff happened and I now have as many posts as Ajax!
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