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Everything posted by ohchaucer

  1. Love it, Buck! And thanks for the replies above. Still lots to learn and appreciate all the help here and in the song group. On a related note, here's a draft of the song I'm working on for this workshop I'm doing here locally. As I mentioned, I'm forcing myself to have distinct songs for each group so they're all a little less polished until I get some more spare time. This one in particular has a couple of edit blips (drums) and both my guitar and my singing are a little strained as it was a single take. Also, I need to get a proper drum mic setup - this is just a Shure SM58 sitting at about cymbal height in front. But what the hell.... welcome any thoughts or feedback!
  2. One quick question as a follow up: are any of you guys using an online/ai mastering tool (eMaster, Landr, Bandlab, etc)? I have SoundCloud Next Pro, but not thrilled so far and their online purchase process is unreliable. I’m finishing up a new track that I did for the workshop I’m doing - in conjunction with the monthly “email” group, I promised myself I wouldn’t use those tracks for class and vice versa. So I have a new one in the chamber that I’ll share shortly.
  3. Ditto. I’ve got $9.95 for Sidis for any tips and tricks!
  4. Those look more like Jayhawk hearts and they look damn delicious.
  5. Yeah I love the pearl. And I actually like the tortoise one against the placid blue but need the neck to darken a bit first. And I knew screw count would come up sooner than later!
  6. NGD with special hat-tip to DougO. Player Tele in lake placid. Haven’t fiddled with it much but it feels really nice so far. And much lighter than my LP.
  7. Yowza. Carly Simon lookin good. And young Steve Gadd backing her up is pretty rad.
  8. Is it weird that I kinda want to know more about that guitar?
  9. New York plates? I’ll see if I can talk some sense into him.
  10. Guys, that’s just the British way of saying it. Nobody caught the part where she says “at least 200 meters away?” That was the giveaway. That and the teeth. Don’t hate just because she’s from the mother land. I myself find most Brits to be quite erudite and well educated.
  11. What the hell…. I’m been writing songs and I’m a good boy. NGD coming Friday.
  12. The notion that Clapton is some rock or guitar god is one of the more perplexing yet pervasive myths in music. Mayall, Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith, Dominos… all great. He was a useful tool along the way. Then he stepped into the limelight and was just a fucking tool.
  13. I’ll mention it and definitely I need to read his book. We mostly talk about our dogs and tree services and construction/traffic drama in our little town. My wife makes fun of me that, instead of just talking to Chris about drums and how I plays, etc, I instead just play in my music room (which is somewhat audible if you’re walking on our street) and I hope he happens to be out walking the dogs and he comes and knocks on the door or leaves a note in our mailbox or something. That’s what I fantasize anyway. Maybe someday I’ll slip him a demo tape of my songs from the monthly group - I’ll share y’all’s too if you ever want! Knowing him he’d probably fly the group up to host a jam session. And yet I’m still reluctant to just talk with him face to face.
  14. I’ve written more about it before elsewhere on this board but I’m “neighbors” with Chris and Tina - a street over. We (mostly my wife) walk dogs together occasionally (mostly Chris), the kids skate on their little pond, we exchange cards at holidays, etc. Both are as nice and down to earth as can be. Chris does lots of community stuff with our library and the like. I’ve known them now for about 5 years and I’ve barely ever talked music with them much less mentioned that I am any sort of musician. But sometime soon I want to come clean and tell him he - and definitely she - are huge influences and inspiration to me. They are so nice that it’s silly that I’m so shy about it but I know them more as friendly older neighbors now so it’s kinda awkward. Anyway, love Talking Heads and I know David has been trying to mend fences so it’s great to see them all together, even briefly.
  15. Yeah the cellist was amazing. And the horn player. A lot of symphonic sound from a very small group. Having Levin and Katche under it all helps. I had the dvd of Secret World and I wore that sumbitch out. This show wasn’t quite that level but that was almost 30 years ago (and, of course, no Papa Wemba or Paula Cole… and can’t imagine seeing the leg that included Sinead). But still incredible.
  16. Saw Peter Gabriel at MSG on Monday. It was a great show - he still has his voice and has acquired a kinda nice older man vibe. And of course the musicians on stage with him were all stellar. If you ever have a chance to see a show where Manu Katche is behind the drums, go see it. Was going to Willie tonight in CT, but unfortunately have to travel (ironically, to Austin).
  17. Fixed it for wishful thinking.
  18. I had a 5000 for years and much prefer it to the 9000. Looking back I have no idea if I had a specific version. It’s a really simple pedal relative to the 9000 (and lots of other higher end pedals) - which lends itself to being really durable. And also, you play to it versus having a million minor ways to adjust it, if that makes sense. I play a Yamaha FP9 now and, while it’s an incredible pedal, it’s so adjustable that it’s almost like you can lose what it’s naturally supposed to feel like. Again don’t know if that makes sense. And I bet if I played them side by side, I bet I have my Yamaha dialed in to feel probably just like the 5000 since that’s what I played for so long. It’s like someone investing thousands of dollars on every bell and whistle in a crazy light and fancy bike but then finding himself wishing he could just ride his old Mongoose BMXer every once in a while. Anyway, enough rambling. Great pedal. Go rock it.
  19. “Calling all Trump heroes! Your dear leader needs you now more than ever so he can continue to fight to save your country and your guns. For $59.99, you can purchase the official “MAGA Coat of Freedom” - a fine looking compliment to the timeless MAGA hat you already wear. All proceeds go to the Save America Trump Legal Defense Fund.” * * Disregard that dude hiding in the bushes over there. We don’t know what he’s waiting around for. He’s a little grumpy but probably harmless….
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