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Everything posted by ohchaucer

  1. Shats Ghoulin Douche Le Miserables (as is)
  2. We need more people like fatty to explain things at a legible volume.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/13/us/politics/trump-gop-biden-impeachment.html?unlocked_article_code=CYQjcjvJ9P-xsWOwU7XFvWYF7xaJ0D8xX_VsmwyeTU6Db3a_XDbIrXD4FFpIRSlDmXrAbtfpl-U_RE23SGOZNTObZvz4rAHZRbc84y3pmyGP_L73YpfLy4E1PvhM0PqlF6Z-L0RQUNbOyAQTJ6GAL0ODwoQ_QAVctkQ4n8K-tX1iFGF6I3AKYpdEhfpgle7gccBzozttIS3_7n8zHIX6nmysuTwsbRySpelHybPlFWad_3da6TQs9z84JVefuQI2nREGuII6JuGcKZBGfxqIto27eehEjslcrJ_jJZFs2P_Vqq7OesBb4aA29snM-0t5X0XKbJSuGdF81mp8SUMs_DwP6t2GK9i1iQ&smid=url-share Dinner with MTG Sunday. McCarthy announcement Tuesday. Clowns.
  4. Fly high! Like the eagle soars!!! We will win!! (Or something like that? It’s been a few years).
  5. ohchaucer

    Siouxsie Sioux

    Ah, Bill’s Records and Tapes. That brings back fond memories. (Of the music, you pervs). Lots of allowance and hourly wage money went from me to Bill. Very possibly to purchase a Siouxsie CD.
  6. Good point. I’m so tired of people referring to the greatness of September 11th. You’re not making the point you think you are. And the point you THINK you’re making is nonsense at best and at the very least absolutely shittily callous. America can’t en masse can’t do shit right and is headed for disaster. No shit. Has nothing to do with people feeling sad and memorializing a tragic human event. And most certainly has nothing to do with the amount of time that has passed.
  7. Out of respect for the subject matter, I'll temper my "Surly response." I understand the sentiment you're conveying but just know this is a profoundly insensitive take. I walked home 80 blocks covered in dust and surrounded by hundreds of people, terrified, horrified, confused, and not knowing who or how many people I knew of the lives that had surely just been lost. (Turned out to be 11 not counting indirect colleagues/clients). And I still was one of the lucky ones that day. I'm going to assume you weren't there and didn't smell the acrid smoke and see the haze for days later. A haze covering a city that I hold to be the greatest in the world; that I adopted as a young man because I believed in the power of New York to bring people together in a truly unique way - good, bad and ugly. I'll also assume you weren't one of the tens of thousands of people - still horrified, still confused - who stood for hours at a time to donate blood, to deliver food, to help each other find some relief or peace for weeks following 9/11... for our LITERAL NEIGHBORS. You must not have experienced how thoroughly unsettling and heartbreaking it was to look up every day and not have two of your most trusted, iconic skyscrapers ahead of your walk - just a gaping hole. And that's all to say nothing of the loss of life, the loss of a sense of security (false or otherwise), the loss of men and women who showed unfathomable courage. So, on second thought, go fucking fuck yourself. I'll fucking mourn and remember and be affected for 22 fucking years and I'll fucking do it for another 22 fucking years if I want to. I'm not ignorant of the political context or aftermath. But you seem to be ignorant of the pain people felt who might have experienced this shit up close and personally. And for the record, I don't just mourn the tragedy. Time smooths those edges. But I do mourn the powerful feeling of togetherness and humanity that I experienced as a New Yorker that sadly, and regardless of the why or how, hasn't ever been the norm. If only more people understood that and if only it didn't take thousands of innocent lives to bring it about, even for a few moments so many years ago.
  8. So YOU’RE to blame for how brutally bad those absolutely fucking clutch touchdowns were, huh? Shame on you!
  9. I think far right is Peter Navarro.
  10. For shirts and casual, I like Drake’s and more and more liking Sid Mashburn.
  11. That’s totally kick-ass. That’s totally kick-ass.
  12. I'll echo Celery and 650. It's been a fun exercise so far. Songwriting, alone at least, has never been something I've spent time with and it's always been a frustration. This challenge and the group and the feedback has nudged me to say "fuck it" and just make SOMETHING. My entry for last month is about how everyone assumed Rust's stunt was some big statement to save the world... but, nah, he just did the whole thing for a girl. In hindsight (and planning ahead for this month's song) I'll probably just stick to guitar and vocals without fooling around (poorly) with GarageBand too much. As I've caveated to the group, my musical experience has overwhelmingly been behind a drumkit, so this is giving me the opportunity to stretch and learn. Better late than never!
  13. Oh it’s an eyelash. Make a wish. I don’t want to. Make a wish. Didn’t come true.
  14. JJ, do you think there is a microphone combo for under, say $1000? That r121 is nice but spendy. And could you diagram how you place? Is either overhead or is it snare side and in front?
  15. May be little too on the nose, but:
  16. Those are sharp! And love the natural wood bass drum hoops. (Not to mention that port hole!). Well done.
  17. Jerry won “the race” twice before choosing not to run again.
  18. Best part of that picture is the “RUDE” cymbals. If there was ever a band I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall of….
  19. Also for drummers counting, the best clue to how he’s playing it is lock into the ride cymbal and double time it.
  20. Also if we want a fun time signature prompt, this one is a great start. If you go to the 3:00 mark, it’s a crazy example of something that sounds very polyrhythmic but really it’s just 7/8 pattern with the melody lagging to almost feel 3/4 and 2/3. But it’s not! It’s straight 7/8 through to the outro. And PS affinity for his music or not or his personality or not, Sting was a fucking songwriting monster. Copeland would have done well to keep his wagon hitched. But I digress.
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