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  1. Mesquite? That shit breaks like rocks, as if it grows pre-petrified.
  2. I guess this is our karma for all the shitty puns yesterday.
  3. A near miss. Your pun game has gone a fowl.
  4. Rock puns? You guys are real crazy. Look out for these guys. I can make rock puns. I can tell Aggy jokes. Hell, I can just call you all chicken-fuckers. Got any UT coaching staff news, CHICKEN-FUCKERS?
  5. Nahlin certain has plucked many a turd from his ass and left them on the interwebs for the regulars on this board to polish. He doesn't seem to know much about the beat he covers and barely demo's highschool level (of the public sprt) writing skills. Why are you criticizing his writing skills in one post and in the next assuming he has the ability to make such a subtle suggestion? Isn't it more likely that you're fingering through an unpolished turd to read the peanuts and seeing what you want to see?
  6. Does he have to pick chin lint out of that crevice daily?
  7. I grew up reading my dad's weekly sub in the 80s and 90s too. I'd probably be illiterate if SI hadn't given me something I cared to read. I might have hidden away of few of those special February issues too. But since the world moved online, I hadn't even notice they tried putting fatties in the swimsuit issue. That's wild... and stupid! Honestly, I think Surly gives me better news these days and provides plenty of great eye candy on the 9.95 board every time a 'cruit commits to The Horns.
  8. I was not reflecting negatively on the portal in general. I think it's great that guys like Golden can come back to UT after making a bad choice out of high school. I was only saying that it would seem odd to take so many of the defectors from one school (in this case, Alabama). I think some responses have been fair rebuttals - like how great it would be to win an NC with the player Saban couldn't win with. You, on the other hand, have only demonstrated your lack of reading comprehension.
  9. That absolutely looks like something people with more money than sense would wear to look outdoorsy when they are nowhere near the great outdoors. Do you think LV is marketing to rednecks or the Ducks Unlimited crowd? They are selling clown clothes to the people driving a Defender down Rodeo. That said, this looks like Coach Prime is trying to write the book on how to destroy team culture.
  10. We had two fumbles in the CFP which effectively ended our season. But before that, did our RB's have a fumble problem? That issue wasn't on my radar.
  11. Fucking hell. I think I found the spot where the bad man touched SurlyHorns as a child. Shit got dark quick.
  12. First, I will celebrate any NC victory as much as I did in Jan 2006. It wouldn't be a terrible thing to win with 10 starters from last year's Bama team. But I guess it might feel like we are winning on the back of another staff's development. The new rules are the rules though. And if we can play a year with an all-senior all-star team, let's fucking do it.
  13. This is great and all, but I kinda hope we get the Stanford TE. I don't want the 'Horns to be the team that won an NC with a bunch a Bama defectors. I mean... I'll take the NC either way and cheer. Just stating a preference.
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