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Everything posted by FriendofaFriend

  1. Of course they were. This guy is all the worst parts of Mack Brown
  2. So up until now "we are a 7-6 team till we prove other wise" but now we lose to Maryland and the loss is "not what defines us. Total BS
  3. Quit the fucking quivering in your voice. If you are gonna be an asshole, act like one.
  4. Oh I agree, but this thread took a giant "what if" tangent and I am just saying that while one side of the argument (Traylor) would never happen, it doesn't mean that the outcome would be worse. I am saying, and will continue to say (unless he wins a National Championship), that hiring Herman was a stupid move. But you are spot on with the scenario being stupid
  5. I mean, the Traylor argument sounds stupid, but hiring Herman definitely was stupid. Which way are we better off? Offensively, I am gonna go with Traylor Gilbert and Maddox. Defensively, probly not. Traylor would have to produce much more quickly to not be out on his ass. But, it did not happen, and would not ever happen ever at a program like Texas.
  6. Since we have a podcast now and are definitely more in tune than the 9.95er's, can we somehow get a press pass?
  7. I have always hated Herman and I am truly happy that he is being exposed and everyone has started to hate him as well. I am also very sad that our program has to suck in order for this to happen. I would much rather hate our coach and win. The only thing to do now is to drink till we can't feel feelings anymore.
  8. he is an over rated POS and is even less qualified than our last pathetic excuse for a coach.
  9. Natural peanut butter with no sugar added is 1000x better than any of the crap with sugar added to it. I can't even eat the other stuff anymore after switching. This is my go to:
  10. I'll trade you too
  11. Does your wife only buy stuff ya'll can easily afford? If so, you wanna trade?
  12. Anyone else's wife spend $600 on family Christmas cards? Here is the breakdown: $275 sitting fee for photographer $40x3 for new outfits for each kid (low-balling here) $100 for a new dress for her (probably a low ball) $100+ to print and mail them all out (mostly to family who we don't like and who are total pain in the asses to deal with) I will not buy any new clothing but there is a high probability that she will buy some hideous shirt for me to match the rest of them.
  13. Take up day trading stocks
  14. All the time. I also blow my nose into pretty much anything I find laying around. Gotta keep the pipes clean!
  15. Our neighbors have maids come clean their house more frequently than most. Wife: The Maid Bridge is over at the neighbors again Me: Maid Bridge? (looks out window) You mean the Maid Brigade? Wife: Whatever, I only saw B-r-i Me: and that made you think Maid Bridge? The look ensues
  16. My mother in law had to drive to her bay house on her lunch break to pick up her wallet she left behind. When she was telling my wife and I about this, my father in law pops his head up and says "ask her whose fault it is." She looks back at him and says "well you were rushing me!"
  17. Guy is looking to have his bitch get humped for pleasure, only wants male dogs with vasectomies
  18. What about at 5 for an outdoor wedding where temperature is 90? And, imo, a nice 3 piece suit>>>> tuxedo, therefore I do not own a tuxedo. I will be going in a grey 3 piece with a black neck tie and sweating my balls off. I would be going in a black 3 piece but my cleaning lady washed my black one recently and ruined it.
  19. My surleyness comes from using the phrase itself for a wedding as it says either 1) go rent a tux or 2) dress formal. Both of these seem dumb to me. First, does anyone besides Jack Donaghy actually own a tux? I would not expect anyone to show up in a tux to a wedding unless they were part of the wedding party themselves. Don't suggest to your guests to go rent a tux. Second, I thought etiquette was to dress formal (meaning at least slacks and tie) to a wedding anyway. Do people really wear jeans? Maybe I'm the dumb one thinking people actually know how to dress.
  20. The better question is would you need to drink more alcohol to bang her or to find her funny?
  21. When people put "black tie optional" on a wedding invitation. First off, don't fucking tell me how to dress. Second, it's a wedding... what the hell do you expect people to show up wearing?
  22. you quoted the wrong picture That's 20 years old
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