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  1. 100% this. I will go out of my way to fly AA even when it's easier to fly a hub (e.g. DFW -> EWR). I've even flown DFW -> CLT -> ATL to stay AA, which I'm not too proud to admit. I'll fly AUS -> DFW and IAH -> DFW over Love and Hobby with SW as well. Every time, because the points and the status is worth it to me. Otherwise, philosophy is I just refuse to fly Spirit or Frontier. Unless it was a life and death situation or a milestone and I had to be there and those were the only options, I'd probably just not go if I had to fly one of those.
  2. I moved to Frisco and unfortunately it's the closest bbq around me (and Hurtado's shut down in the next town over, which was way better), but to answer your question it's not great. The brisket is mid (as the kids say) and the ribs are pretty bad. The rub they use is overpowering and just not that great. The sausage is mid. Breakfast tacos are mid in the AM are mid. All around it's just plain average and it sucks to pay a premium for average. I'd almost rather just go get a cheap chopped bbq sandwich than Tenders. I don't know, maybe I'm burnt out (no pun intended). All that said, interesting tidbit, Torii Hunter of the Minnesota Twins and LA Angels Centerfielder fame owns it and his family is around and about in some of the locations from time to time. I've never seen him but I got to be friends with a lot of the long time workers. We don't bring up that sexual misconduct thing, it's a fireable offense to joke about.
  3. Same! I have friends whose kids were impacted, and those kids are starting to graduate this year and for sure next.
  4. 10/10, no notes. A perfect response.
  5. That's an interesting point, I know there are many, many things that I rationalize or justify that falls in the idealized version of myself and wanting to repent of sin. I think most people would agree, but it's the conviction that drives us to repent and work to do better that generally runs afoul of our more flesh-based desires that is the hard, spiritual work. Just saying you believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins and everything else will work out and my will be done, is functional atheism, IMO. Further, I don't and don't personally know anyone who hates browns or poors or gays or whatever. I think the right posture is one of compassion and an extension of God's love and mercy with a reminder of what God has decreed and wants for us. It's "Where are your accusers? Go and sin no more.", not "Where are your accusers? Go and do whatever you want because I am love and you can abuse my abudnant grace."
  6. I think America has fallen into the trap that God, and by extension church, exists to conform and please whatever human desires and demands and not the other way around. People don't want to hear their desires and comforts and wants aren't righteous. So there are communities that exist for everyone and if your chief aim isn't a spiritual one, but a social connection, you can find plenty under the banner with the name "church".
  7. What is interesting about your posts is that you are all in on the Grace and Love taught in the bible as God's word, but you don't seem to have the awe and wonder (fear) and respect for the truths commanded in it-- at least not in equal measure. I'd recommend re-reading the John 8:10-11 to get a refresher on how the two should live in harmony (God's truth and will and commands for us along with his grace and mercy and love). By the way, I'm not trying to personally attack you just making an observation, and the broader observation has been made by theological thought leaders that this phenomenon is an over-correction because the 80's and 90's were full of church's doing the opposite of enabling-- preaching almost wholly about how everyone is sinful and failing and hell fire and brimstone, etc. But to Frank Derbin's point, there are church's out there for all walks of life and faith (or whatever people characterize it as). There are women preachers and gay preachers and people wearing pride flags and all kinds of things that you'd never see just 10 years ago in most big cities. Not making a comment on those institutions other than to observe they exist and probably connect lonely people.
  8. TIL: I always thought it was “legal beagle”
  9. Big 12 leftover schools are going to deteriorate fast. You love to see it.
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