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  1. So are you saying they should have done it when it was 45% cheaper?
  2. Weird. How are the BoSox eliminated from playoffs before the Detroit Tigers (according to ESPN)? BoSox 75 wins, 78 loses, .490 winning %, 20 games back in the East 9.5 games back in the WC Detroit 71 and 81, 9.5 games back in division and 13.5 in WC Oh I see it-- their division leader is still technically able to be caught for another day or so. I figured it out mid-sentence but will finish the post in case anyone saw that and it jumped out as weird to them at first.
  3. I was at Dallas Startup week last week at UNT Frisco…surprised how small and quant it is
  4. I wonder if this is because there is no room! Where are they gonna build it? Up North of Panther Creek? That's Universal Studios now anyways. I think those deals with The Star and FDC Dallas is better for everyone involved.
  5. Mental image of Irishtexan:
  6. This is where I'm at with it. Man alive.
  7. You are showing your age harkening to a more idyllic time because the Phi Delts were nothingburgers (maybe just getting back on campus?) in my day and it was Drag Rats.
  8. Disappointed with myself on this one:
  9. Yea, I just read this part about Allen which I think could be pretty cool for the right students who care about this stuff:
  10. We're rooting for you!
  11. This just doesn't seem like a very healthy way to educate kids, more like a cattle call. I wonder what the Student:Teacher ratio is, maybe Allen just employs a third of the teachers in North Texas:
  12. Isn't Allen the city that wrote into it's laws to only have 1 highschool (for football prowess purposes) and now it's so large it has Freshman A, B, C and D teams and a Marching Band that's larger than most smaller towns highschools with an 8 figure commercial kitchen for home-ec? This is from 2018. I'm sure it's just gotten larger. All in the service of being a juggernaut in high school football:
  13. But really, who cares about a stadium. I would have killed for a Jimmy John's in the cafeteria back in my day.
  14. Leaked footage from the John Wick spin-off?
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