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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Been hearing an ad for surrogate mothers in the regular radio rotation (which seems to be about 85% federally-funded PSAs), as I recall the offer was $50k.
  2. That whole office was fucked due to what's-her-name and/or maybe Covid. Reportedly the new DA (newly departed now, or as of a few months ago anyway) didn't re-staff quickly or effectively or at all and tons of perps let go due to charges never being filed & etc. Not sure what happened exactly but this particular case was one of the backlog or whatever.
  3. I believe this scenario falls apart because the birth rate is 50/50 (49/51, whatever it takes) male/female so ea. generation 1/3 of the men are dropped.
  4. probably already posted on the airplane thread but this guy is my go to for this stuff
  5. I was going to reply to some of the hot takes in this thread but the multiquote feature crashed under the load.
  6. Jealous of that Pinto and IT175 setup, guess that guy's ride did not pan out.
  7. I don't know why anybody would resist a government solution to a problem that was caused by a prior government solution.
  8. Chocolate covered almonds - 78 Almond M&M's - 43 Go home chart, you're drunk.
  9. I did not want to click on this thread, and I was not disappointed.
  10. Actually if you go here 31.658531, -106.328653 you can see this avenue is blocked with a dirt dam. Maybe they clean that up when irrigation season starts. :Looks like the water actually flows into EPWU's reservoir here 31.658405, -106.328028 I think the spot I posted above is an older intake gate and the new one is at the end of the EPWID's main lateral there near the treatment plant. /csb
  11. EPWU already sued EBID several years ago for this (as farmers all started pumping fucktons of wellwater in the face of fractional surface allotments and running El Paso's wells dry), after being themselves sued by EBID 30 or so years ago for the same thing (pumping down EBID's riverwater via their wells). I believe one of the wells in the latter court case is here 31.958435, -106.604246 If you want to google that you'll see it is inside the river levee, maybe 20 yards from the riverwater, if there is any flowing, about 3 miles south of the NM/TX border. Once you are in Texas surface water regulation transfers from EBID to El Paso County Water Improvement or somesuch, they can and do sell water to EPWU although I have no idea how much, and they take that out of the river here: 31.658513, -106.329547
  12. Having a hard time finding more recent, but here is Elephant Butte Reservoir reported Acre Feet of water, 1915 - 2017. Nice when its full, which is almost never.
  13. What you propose is nice but ignores property rights. The way it works is, you buy a farm with well defined and priced surface water rights. Some rights are better than others (I've seen water compacts like on the Alamosa or maybe Cimarron that were from Spanish times and were first-to-last, for example, i.e. most upstream got all they wanted and then the next guy etc.), but those rights entitle you to surface irrigation, but of course only if there is water. EBID (Elephant Butte Irrigation District) farmers have not gotten a full allotment (typically 24-36 inches) in a long time. You would probably have to go back 20+ years to find consecutive full-allotment years. At any rate EPWU (El Paso Water Utilities), EBID, and various other agencies have been buying up these rights to reduce overall ag use of watershed for years. We were offered, as I recall, about $4k an acre for ours back in the mid 1980s. If you want to fill Elephant Butte up, or flood Lajitas, or stop farming in New Mexico or whatever all you have to do is buy up all those surface rights. EPWU does still get most of its water from groundwater (wells) and the river, which is the same thing. Also I didn't read the OP article but there have been court cases on every NM/Texas river system since forever, I'm sure there is litigation now, and I'm sure this litigation will go on forever.
  14. True, but also times have changed. I went from a town where the sheriff was a godfather to my uncle or something to an actual city but back then (80's) it was just way more lenient. Also as YGIFS notes see my user name. Anyway my story for this is in HS we used to drink beer down by the river, naturally. One day we had a half-full keg from somewhere and for some reason this was in the back of my friend's Honda CVCC. The hatch wouldn't even close. Rear suspension is bottomed out. So of course this day the cops roll up on us at the dead-end (by the river) and they understandably ask, "Okay, who's keg is this?" silence "Who's (gestures at tiny Honda) car is this?" buddy "That's my Honda officer." "How did this keg get into your (gestures at tiny car) Honda?" "I'm not sure sir. It was in there this morning when I left for school." They made us pour some of it out and we loosened the pump so it wouldn't fully drain or something and after about fifteen minutes they left (ordinarily they would just steal our beer but not this time copper).
  15. For Swayze here is one where we got away: My parents got divorced, my dad remarried, and I moved in with stepmom and 2 stepbrothers freshman year. I did get a dirt bike out of the divorce, because my stepbrothers had them, and there is nothing like being a teenager with a dirt bike in my opinion. At any rate as you can imagine my stepbrothers, who were cool (I mean, they fuckin had dirt bikes), were skeptical of my dad, whos was a bit of a hard ass, and there was some tension. But that ended one Sunday when we had all been out riding and were back at the house eating lunch, bikes in the back yard, dad watching football, and the cops knock on the door. We are all just barely out of line-of-sight to the front door eating our PB&J's at the kitchen table, but we can hear the cop say, "Sorry to bother you sir, but we've been having complaints about some kids on dirt bikes in the neighborhood and..." "I don't have any kids" my dad said and shut the door.
  16. If you hadn't married the stripper how would we know not to?
  18. Well you turned it into a thread describing your magnanimity as a tipped employee, I liked that story. Been awhile but in a former life can tell you that many companies have a budget for comps and expect managers to use all of it and even document some of it. But yeah, probably bartender shrinkage.
  19. Technically this is what Anti-Seize is for. Based on nothing whatsoever I'd opt for teflon tape over pipe dope. edit: but yeah, any of that would work I would think.
  20. Rest of this thread sucks, but THAT is fucking savage, rep and thanks for posting.
  21. We should add weed to NAFTA and import that along with avocados & limes. Only partially kidding, evidently New Jalisco has already taken over a lot of the ag sector, but what the hell. Just get them to concentrate on legal marijuana, which could be lucrative and employ a lot of people, and get them to stop exporting Meth and Fentanyl ffs.
  22. It will in my mind forever tho. To be clear I'm not happy about this, and blame you And Slorch is not talking about the anal play
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