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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Seems like this crew isn't familiar with the rule. Because We're Texas
  2. you have got to be kidding me. What the fuck is he supposed to do with his head? I just can't even with these motherfuckers
  3. @irieguy fyi I only read a few of your posts here that I negged, the rest I just negged without reading. Sorry about that.
  4. SIAP Chris Simms on Dan Patrick, starts off talking about his alma mater
  5. Too late to edit but I found some articles critical of the proposed CA seawater plant that had op costs estimated at a much higher $4-$6 per 1,000 gals.
  6. Well that's 16 yards you owe them.
  7. True they just pump the brine back into the bolson (some ways away from the wells but I'm not sure how far). I was looking for ppm or spec gravity of Hueco water vs. seawater and came up empty, but it seems like ordinary seawater is 5-10 times as salty and that obviously increases your operating cost. That said the numbers I saw talked about for the proposed seawater plant in CA was not appreciable more than the $2/1000 gallons they publish for the Hueco Bolson plant.
  8. El Paso has a 25m gallon/day desal plant that cost about $100M (believe DOD paid for some of that), operating cost is about $0.001 - $0.002/ gal No link GOOGLE IT YERSELF FUCKSTIK
  9. Then we are moving into the SEC at the perfect time. Curse lifted.
  10. Hey tide, fuck you, your coach, your players, and your inbred trash fan base. We know it when we see it.
  11. http://markkystreams.com/video/cfb-01/
  12. At least Jones is slightly miffed about that late hit
  13. Well this either fires the crowd and defense up or maybe this breaks it open for bama. If we are seeing the ending of our curse it sure doesn't feel like it.
  14. i can't even with this motherfucking bullshit god damnit
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