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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Pretty sure Surl depends on the Monkey brains tho
  2. Don't have one thought we'd page LL because you can never have enough attorneys
  3. Longhorn Lawyer, a poster here, was, I thought, an attorney in a suit against J&J. I thought, wrongly(?), he had prevailed. Are you an attorney also, because I thought I was clear by surly standards.
  4. Water is wet and all but jesus fuck with all the lawyers on this site. I'm only interjecting to observe that I seem to recall Longhorn Lawyer* was one of (probably 1,000s) of the lawyers suing? Beuhler? I assume he is not scrooge-mcducking on his portion of the settlement then?
  5. I don't know you, but you (or I) could've been in that car, haf, smoke everywhere, and the cop isn't searching for anything else at all in the car or even on our person. Just weird how that works.
  6. 1) Steve Meister sounds like he'd be a lot of fun at parties. Fuck off Steve, if you're reading this. 2) you would think you could give whoever the fuck you want a ride, whenever the fuck you want, and accept gas money or whatever the fuck in exchange. 3) at the very least arrest was entrapment (at least the way it was described. but ianafl, thank god).
  7. There are fewer options for disabled kids in my area compared to other school districts (my niece in 602 has options we don't here, for example) so I've been volunteering to fundraise and support such a school. Org is Downs Syndrome Coalition of El Paso. School website (https://everylittleblessing.org/) if you know anybody in the 915 with prospective students, teachers, or volunteers (edit or donors). Our big fundraiser* is October 1st . * 1,000 person outdoor bbq as if I really care about downs kids
  8. Esta cachando un otro cabollo, no es un toro.
  9. Maybe Sark should do this with all of his game plans.
  10. I have seen a New Holland and at least one JD. There is a popular German brand that is also a darker green. edit nvm Royal fan:
  11. I think the Kool Aid pumpers are all geeking out on war porn in the Ukraine thread. I guess we root for an undefeated season in which Karic nevertheless plays poorly? I am worried that neither Sarkisian nor that OL class survive here long enough to benefit us given the portal. Knowing our luck they all bust and then portal to ride the bench in Nacogdoches. curse.gif
  12. I might finally be allergic to the kool-aid. This roster remains hot garbage, change my mind.gif
  13. I'm ready. Omelet-eggs and whatnot. What's a little fallout? Wind blows towards Oklahoma.
  14. Thread moves too fast but I was gonna point out the plot point in Red October where Ramius has to assassinate the political officer onboard as the first step in his defection plan. I was googling around for a surl-worthy gif and came up empty but I did learn that character's name was Putin (Ivan) because of course it was.
  15. At least it was basketball. I couldn't even watch Shaka's Texas teams.
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