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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Whatever that saying is, if I owe you $1m that is my problem, if I owe you $1Trillion that is your problem, or something.
  2. Article conspiring to debunk conspiracy theory hereby debunked.
  3. I just want to work "Abra Dabra Kalabrya" in here somehow but I got nothin'.
  4. Well part of the reason we're fat is govt. policy, yet some folks always reccomend more of that. Surprised to hear you listen to talk radio, I personally don't recommend that OR any cable news.
  5. Knew some guys that worked there bitd and around 2005 or so they swapped out all their Oyler pits for Southern Pride gas fired pits. They burn wood, but the ones I've cooked on will maintain the temp whether you feed/stoke the fire or not, so depending on your pit guy(gal) you end up cooking brisket on a shitty convection oven with a few thousand cf of tasty natural gas. I do think the food used to be much better before that, the increase in much tastier options notwithstanding. /csb
  6. lol there would be a youtube video, what was I thinking. Been wanting to post this guy, Rick Beato, I am not huge into music, and can't play it, but I think this stuff is interesting as hell. edit: his best videos are the "what makes this song great?" series, very similar to above but just one great song.
  7. Yeah, hyperbole. Let's make a guesstimate: According to google you avg Youtuber makes $200-$300 /100k views. If that is accurate, based on 1,587K views the last 4 weeks that is $3,174-$4,761 eta: shit that is probably almost half his tractor payment (looks like that 9570RT is like a $700k tractor).
  8. I can't explain it, and am not familiar with the Economics, but the dude gets 100k views in the first hour. At this point the corn and soybeans are just props.
  9. This. Some people love to obsess about murderous Americans, whether we're particularly murderous or not.
  10. Current pricing may be higher but most existing customers (like Bieber) paid $250k. I believe they have sold around 200 tickets? They are refundable though I believe.
  11. Looks to me like pilot completely unweighted their inside peg and you don't want to do that as it drops the bike into the corner (kind of counter-intuitively). edit: imo my explanation is just a more concise version of NYTransplant's
  12. Should have saved that gif for this one
  13. Buy/sell Majors at center all season.
  14. We inherently recognize how debilitating some drug addictions can be but for some reason don't recognize that eating has to be the strongest compulsion of all. I don't like to dunk on the fatties because I'm predisposed to be skinny genetically or whatever (an aside is I'm not addicted to other things, quit smoking one time only etc.). There but for the grace of God go I. If we can sympathize with an oxy addict why can't we understand that some folks can't stop eating? All that said the fact that everybody everywhere seems to be getting fatter points to a larger problem than self control. We can rage against that but we'll still be fat.
  15. Well "traditionally" that type and amount of calories was never widely available at today's prices. That dude just sounds like a crazy person. edit: not that I've ever turned down BBQ, burgers, or Tex-Mex. Traditionally.
  16. From Five Guys, a particular burger establishment. Yes. Yes I do.
  17. I'm about to order a 1,100 calorie cheeseburger (five guys bacon cheeseburger). But I'm on a diet so no fries!! /csb Their fries are listed at 530 calories which has to be a lie. According to the Google a lb of fries is 1,415 calories. If you've eaten at FG you know they pile on the fries, I bet 1,000 calories. edit: one thing you notice when you cut carbs is you lose your appetite for them. No way in hell I would want to eat an entire serving of FG fries these days. Also I changed my mind and ordered the little cheeseburger. Only 700 calories!
  18. I'd rather read how the Olineman kicked whoever's ass in an unprecedentedly vicious fashion. Offseason.
  19. 1. I'm 6'1" and 195, and about 10 lbs overweight IMO 2. Brisket thinks we don't read the Hey Steel Shank! thread? 3. Sugar is not price-subsidized, we pay about 50% more than the world price. As a result there is no sugar in anything I can find outside of Mexican Coke. As Celery pointed out like on page 2 it is corn. Something like 50% of your avg. grocery store by weight is corn. May be a semantic point as I'm not sure if anybody thinks swapping the HFCS or whatever w/ sugar would do any good. 4. Societal pressure, my most recent job we ate lunch as a group 3 times a week, 95% of the time at a Mexican food place (915). If you leave, say, more than 25% of your food on the plate the waiter person will ask about it. Also during this time that was my only meal of the day. And I'm still fat 5. Shout out to San Antonio peeps for being the fattest. edit, forgot about 6. Federal food policies that resulted in subbing carbs for fat is a big culprit IMO but not the only one. That said I don't trust the govt. to fix this problem, at least not without creating another, possibly worse one.
  20. Conservative-shaming is def effective tho.
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