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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Right there with you but immediately and always thought that Ehlinger had a much improved QB skill set vs. Tebow. Better release, more accurate arm. Tebow is probably the better TE prospect tho
  2. Make sure you put tape over your webcam lol* * (checks webcam) I have tape over my webcam
  3. Already answered but I'll add that DOT, when they do check, will look for red diesel* in your filter housing** * off-road/tax-free diesel is dyed rec ** most diesel vehicles, if they dont have a clear filter housing, will have a drain so it isn't that hard to check.
  4. Run it to the vent line and it isn't gravity fed. That's what most guys w/ transfer tanks do, from the tank into a tee fitting spliced into the filler vent. So fuel transfers to main tank as fuel pump empties it out and draws new fuel in through the vent /csb
  5. Love that movie, and already posted this here and shaggy but it was inspired by the story of Esequiel Hernández, who was tending to his goats near Big Bend when he was shot and killed by a US Marine in a gilly suit in 1997.
  6. Seems like it might be difficult sitting any black juror from Minneapolis area who'd never supported BLM.
  7. Speak for yourself, I've been retardedly worried about our OL for about 15 years. edit: patiently waiting to be wrong, that's all.
  8. Dad always said sheep are just looking for a place to lay down and die.
  9. We can't block our DEs. If iron sharpens iron then we have aluminum sharpening copper or something.
  10. Jfc what's wrong with a simple public fisting. That usually suffices to make your point.
  11. damn 4chan, you scary https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/317323888/fedex-shooter-was-a-brony https://haenfler.sites.grinnell.edu/subcultures-and-scenes/bronies/
  12. Guess if you can't buy a bolt you fab it.
  13. Don't know why but the "Damn, son!" at the end gets me. No mames... edit: trying to find out who owns the truck, I assume GCC but maybe not, anyway truck continued on after splitting the beer van and collided w/ 3 other vehicles before overturning. Driver of the cement truck was the fatality, reported that brakes failed. https://kvia.com/traffic/2021/04/14/caught-on-video-runaway-cement-mixer-with-brake-failure-crashes-into-semi-trailer-on-transmountain-1-dead/ edit2, aftermath vid:
  14. Yeah, like to see how they deal with the 3rd degree "eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind" part. NAL.
  15. I know that dude and it's Infiniti over Lexus. Lol Honda. And LA bbq over Franklin. Traeger over Yoder.
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