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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Right? I had not fully considered this take: So I guess the defense will be "it was agreed upon happy endings by all parties, but these complainants are attempting to extort" or somesuch. Been avoiding posting this anecdote but an old friend's in-law used to brag to us about getting legit therapists to give him a handy. He claimed he worked on this one girl for a year. So that is a thing at least in one person. He was/is also a bit creepy and sketchy in other regards, everybody always felt sorry for my friend (but esp. his sis). /csb
  2. Genuinely sorry for the confusion, I'm only talking about the usage of that one term, your posts in response have covered lots of other topics, that was confusing to me as my post was specific, but I guess too short or ambiguous. Now that you appear to have addressed my argument, I respoind: My interpretation of the meaning of "Systemic Racism" isn't any more "made up" than yours. My first google result is this article: https://www.today.com/tmrw/what-systemic-racism-t207878 How do you solve something that is invisible, and only defined by the outcome? The next para from above link talks about disparate outcomes in health care, and says that is Systemic Racism. So my working definition is that any system that produces disparate outcomes can be so described. But all systems will have disparate outcomes.
  3. You are amazingly obtuse, but a genuine thanks for the effort and links. I was only talking about "Systemic Racism" as it is used today, I'm not talking about "discrimination," "racism," "bias", "racial disparity" "statistically significant" etc. or whether any of those things are real, measurable, or do exist.
  4. Our Friend, Casey Affleck, Jason Segel, Dakota Johnson. Based on a true story, an article by Matt Teague in Esquire magazine, about terminal illness and friendship. Not exactly sure why I clicked on this one, I'm not a particular fan of the cast or the general premise (death). I guess I was drawn to the "selfless but troubled friend" angle (Segel). I thought it was maybe a bit long but well done otherwise. Good movie.
  5. Ahh, statistically significant. I honestly did not know that. Got a source for that? edit: "Statistically significant, based solely on race" is a def. I'm 100% behind, I just don't think that is what Systemic Racism means or how it is used today.
  6. That's not what I said. Nothing will be perfectly equitable, therefore it is racist.
  7. Systemic racism is an unsolvable problem, which is its entire point imo. What "system" can be created that has no racially disparate outcome? So all systems are racist.
  8. Seems obvious at this point. Disclosure, I haven't watched all of the vids and don't plan to.
  9. His employees will be wanting good schools. And a nice downtown.
  10. I'm not seeing where she says that. Obv she chose to put herself in that position, so she at least, at one time, believed in what the letter says. I was thinking perhaps she was an employee for a sec., (eta) and that would be fucked up, but it doesn't appear that way.
  11. Jesus Christ. It's his avatar. That's the joke (not a good one obv.).
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9422023/Two-killed-Cessna-air-taxi-nosedives-crashes-lagoon-Cancun.html
  13. You got a mouse in your pocket? When other atheists, that are not you, have organized, I would say it has not been that great.
  14. I read not a woman driver, ship lost power (described as suffering a "blackout"). Sorry, no link.
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