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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. On the food, agree to disagree! There's a reason ABQ is 90% chain restaurants I think. The little town I lived in up there had 5 or 6 surnames making up 90% of the phone book. Not super friendly to gringo outsiders. When I was there a game warden was murdered up in the Pecos wilderness... edit: me la pela OU
  2. Yeah lived up there for a bit, most will speak a weird Spanglish dialect, and are overtly, adamantly NOT MEXICAN. Lots of Bacas. The food sucks up there imo.
  3. I don't know that there is any correlation, esp at the margins, between expenditure and results. Anybody that thinks we can improve our system by spending more money on it is clearly a product of our system.
  4. Damn was thinking he already got shot. Has dissapoint
  5. So 28 is the hard limit then?
  6. What does this old white dude want to talk about
  7. edit: didn't see Inka and etc. beat me to it prior page.
  8. Oh yes, yes they do. Before that was a thing they had Corridos (tejano style songs that glorified, originally, heroes like Emiliano Zapata and Villa, and then Chapo. Lots of corridos about that asshole). Now they have rap that samples tejano music (like polka beats, no shit). Shit is ever-where.
  9. I think you misunderstand my usage? I'm saying it isn't a lever to behavior in that Gov says "Mask On!" and the next day we're all wearing masks, then says "Masks Off" and we toss them. The rest of your comment seems to indicate you agree that is isn'tt? Fact is folks started wearing masks (and quarantining, distancing, sheltering) before anybody told them to and will likely continue until they decide not to. While some ignore the directive (apparently they are everywhere, I haven't seen any) completely. My favorite beer garden closed before the mandate, and isn't planning on opening any time soon, despite being 80% outdoor seating. Like law and order debates. Folks clamor for laws to ban something without considering if it will be followed/effective. BAN IT.
  10. Tijuana was briefly the TV capital of the world. And most of the wealthy and powerful have little to no Mestizo characteristics. Lifelong frontera denizen here, but out west, and I can say that the lower classes have long looked up to the Narcotraffickers. When I ran a crew in the ohl fill my dudes were always watching narco snuff vids on You Tube and glorifying the lifestyle. A bit of a populist bent to it.
  11. Jesus fucking christ
  12. That's true and we'll act like those 5 dumbasses represent the whole state and are causing the entire pandemic. An aside is where are people seeing these "muh freedoms" mask refusers? I've yet to see a single person refuse to wear a mask, or not wearing one, and of course we had a pretty high # of "cases" (915). Do people honestly think if we had 100% compliance (an aside is what you think the actual compliance % is) things would be much different? I'm not seeing it. Complaining that people ignore the mandate and then caterwauling when it is lifted* is a bit inconsistent. * I don't think they should have lifted it either, but I don't see mandates/policy as direct levers to human behavior
  13. Yes but when it doesn't you'll excuse it somehow like you excused the shitshow in NY. Pot, kettle.
  14. HAHAHA this (more or less) happened to me once. Sang it really loud and really, really off key.
  15. ^ I take your point to be "he had one hot streak that landed him this job. A second hot streak 10 years later* shouldn't get him extended, or even save his job at this point." * 220-221, whatever it takes
  16. Their opinions and feelings appear to be fairly significant unfortunately. edit gotdammit
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