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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Did somebody really tell him that players "have to sing to play?" The number of racist alums (about 150 or so that we know of today?) is never going to be zero. Never. Do you think we can we handle that?
  2. Not to be cynical but not sure if serious? Relatively speaking, checkout clerks are poors w/ no political clout. Although you could just as easily say that it makes too much sense, so why would we do that?
  3. What the goddamn fuck is a gear switch? too ashamed to say "thing-a-ma-bobber?"
  4. I assumed he was referring to the Texas Trib article and the HUNDREDS of letters from angry boomer alums
  5. I think so too, and this will be done with the acquiescence of one faction of the Mex govt that we turn against the other.
  6. ^ lots of folks in the 915 will go to Palomas, bordertown of maybe 10k population about 60 miles west, south of Columbus (where Villa invaded, or whatever), but not Juarez. Not that there hasn't been violence in Palomas, a few years back they had a full blown shootout, but being so much smaller there just isn't as much danger, or certainly much less perceived danger. That said I still go to Juarez, I just stay to my known haunts. edit: I also think we need to realize that Cartels aren't severable, at this point, from society or govt. in general, there is Cartel influence and money at all levels of govt and society, so I'm not sure how a US vs. Cartel war looks exactly. But I can't get my brain wrapped around the Cartels being able to unify enough to poison us or do anything cohesive. I think they'd just as soon kill each other. That said at some level that inter-cartel rivalry disappears as you go up the chain and the cartel $, politicians, and elite monopoly businessmen all comingle.
  7. RE: QT and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, SIAP but I really liked that movie, especially the ending scenes. I'm kind of QT bi-polar, I seem to either be put to sleep by them (Kill Bill) or weirdly fascinated (Reservoir Dogs). Not sure if I posted but recently watched Django Unchained. Great premise but I literally fell asleep around Act 3, and fast forwarded through to see how it ended. So I have no soul then.
  8. I'd like to search for largest opposite margin (critically panned, audience favorites) One of my favorites, but mostly due to a local bias. I thought the subject matter and portrayal were genuine. I don't know why I would compare, but I like it better than No Country for Old Men. I'd never seen That Thing You Do, meh. 5.5/10
  9. The last housing crash skipped over the 915. Pretty much every Juarense that can afford a house in EP has one by now.
  10. GringoSalado

    Most Meals With

    Grew up farming and ranching, and as a kid if I wasn't in school I was riding shotgun with Dad, feeding cows, running errands, and if we could we would eat lunch in town at the drug store and catch up on gossip and lies or whatever with all the other assholes. Good times. I know I'm very fortunate to have had that upbringing and all that quality time with my pops. I miss that asshole.
  11. this "The dog alerted on your vehicle" "I didn't see him do anything" "..."
  12. looks like a check valve? The pic you post downthread is it, but I don't see any with that third hole where your gauge is. Buy the two-hole and and a brass street 90 for your gauge. I don't know what the air valve would be that you posted. That part by your boot is a check valve so water doesn't run back into the well when it isn't ain't running. To save space they make them with threaded ports for your pressure switch.
  13. I hadn't considered the backfeed tripping the breaker. I'm not very smart. But I would for sure lock out the main w/ a padlock, or at least I would have before you talked me out of this idea. eta: ran my dad's ranch for about a week w/ generator, posted that csb upthread, we padlocked the main open, we weren't so much thinking about lineman safety as our generator blowing up when power was restored. Rednecks, not EE.
  14. How so? I had decided it was a good idea, but am open to other opinions.
  15. Had a 7.5 kw Yanmar we left outside for about 20 years. Edit: it might have gotten rained on a time or two.
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