^ lots of folks in the 915 will go to Palomas, bordertown of maybe 10k population about 60 miles west, south of Columbus (where Villa invaded, or whatever), but not Juarez.
Not that there hasn't been violence in Palomas, a few years back they had a full blown shootout, but being so much smaller there just isn't as much danger, or certainly much less perceived danger.
That said I still go to Juarez, I just stay to my known haunts.
edit: I also think we need to realize that Cartels aren't severable, at this point, from society or govt. in general, there is Cartel influence and money at all levels of govt and society, so I'm not sure how a US vs. Cartel war looks exactly. But I can't get my brain wrapped around the Cartels being able to unify enough to poison us or do anything cohesive. I think they'd just as soon kill each other.
That said at some level that inter-cartel rivalry disappears as you go up the chain and the cartel $, politicians, and elite monopoly businessmen all comingle.