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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. His best comp is Tebow I guess, and when I imagine this team with Tebow we are shittier than we are now. I'm not sure Joe fucking Montana would fare well back there this year. I love this thread.
  2. ^ that said "trips to Juárez" could include, and probably does, being unmasked at a relative's house.
  3. Don't know how good contact tracing is but big box stores and trips to Juárez rank #1 & #2 for sources of infections.
  4. It's because we're stupid, and not smart like you.
  5. I know no such thing, in the 915 mask usage has always been pretty good but usage is higher now than ever here in my anecdotal observation only no cr.
  6. Yeah, cartel kidnaps you and kills you in J-town.
  7. Ran one in the ohl fill (for a year or so about 5 years ago) hoping for DOT inspection intelligence and got absolutely nothing. Not enough users (on I-20 anyway) anymore.
  8. Damn son. I barely like watching good acting. Have some rep.
  9. Seems like there were also some recruiting wins against Saban et al? Being able to pull those types of classes to Ole Miss is always going to create interest in the SEC I would think.
  10. I don't know what that is but we seemed to run a lot of power and other man blocking this last game. Not sure we have an outside zone OLine.
  11. For the Love of the Game. Meh. Entire movie was about a chick, not about baseball.
  12. Talk is cheap when the story is good. edit: Shit I'm way too slow.
  13. Nice heat treat on your ruler there. Rep.
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