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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Yeah they stopped inviting me over to Cowboys game-watch but todavia vienen los primos and whoever else.
  2. As pointed out upthread the Hispanic/Mexican culture doesn't lend itself to social distancing. Most infections I know are Hispanic, of course most people I know are Hispanic, but I have 3 acquaintances where the whole extended family got it in a short time but spread over half-dozen households & etc.
  3. As is typical on the border there are myriad ways to get across, one is to fake an invoice for an item or part that needs to cross. At any rate while the traffic is def. a fraction of its pre-covid levels, there is still a lot of traffic at the NM port as I commute that way (but not into MX) regularly. I will say that, if you want a Mexican coke, you pretty much have to go to Sam's. Fucking bullshit.
  4. While this is true I have 3 co-workers that, somehow, commute daily. edit: coworkers say the Juárez hospitals filled up about 10-14 days ago.
  5. No link but I read over the wknd that about 1/4 of infections report they believe they contracted it in Juárez. I'm sure any Juarenses who need admittance to a hospital and have the means to do so in EP will.
  6. We're good with our mascot goring reporters who get in his way.
  7. Dictionary rea·son·a·ble /ˈrēz(ə)nəb(ə)l/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1. (of a person) having sound judgment; fair and sensible. "no reasonable person could have objected" Similar: sensible rational open to reason full of common sense logical
  8. Agree with this 100. But I also kind of think that if he were truly a narcissistasshole then he would be a better football coach. I think he has a massive insecurity complex but I wouldn't even care to mention it if he didn't suck so bad at his current job.
  9. Yeah fuck that guy as well. Might as well start raising his buyout $ now.
  10. I for sure had the two on the right
  11. siap Texas football will payback coaches who took COVID-19 reductions
  12. Are we turning into Cowboy's fans where we don't recognize shitty defense and (relatively) good to great QB play? That's what this page feels like.
  13. Fuck everything. I don't know how people like Herman and Shaka cash their paychecks in good conscience.
  14. His coaches have repeatedly failed him. Fuck them.
  15. The onside kick was very well executed...
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