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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. I figured that tampon story was bullshit. You should start a thread on fake incidences of cop hate..
  2. I was looking for a pic of the alleged noose and this is allegedly it. SIAP
  3. Well then we had a 30 section "hobby" ranch in NM in that it was more of a hobby than a profitable venture. Western ranchers are real estate speculators playing cowboy.
  4. I grew up on a ranch* so to me it ought to be of an economical size, or at least approaching that. Your 10 cow spread could be a ranch I guess, but if you have 0 cows, well then... * A very large % of the population will ask, "What kind (of ranch)?" when I say something like this. "Cats. It's a Cat Ranch. I herd them. Or try to."
  5. ? I thought he retweeted somebody else's vid. I don't twitterer, its says "from Shelby Talcott" right there. But maybe Shelby is not an appropriate source? Let us know. All that said I watched the vid and all I saw was a bunch of idiots.
  6. My beefs about policing in America today, in no particular order: Qualified Immunity Unions Militarization of Police No-Knock Raids Asset Forfeiture Plus there must be some kind of selection bias or problem since this seems to happen in different depts. all over the country. Back on point my 5 items above I don't see how any reasonable person thinks we shouldn't be able to sue the PD if they kill my family member, or that cops need ARs, or that no-knock raids are insanely unconstitutional and inherently dangerous and corrupting, and yet we have all these things. I do think it is a good sign that these stories are starting to put Union officials on blast. I don't know the name of the Minn police chief, how is that not a household name? How is Art Acevedo still employed? /rant edit: how the fuck I did not include War On Drugs is beyond me, that's how we got no-knocks, ARs, asset forfeiture and the rest.
  7. "I need you to kill this guy for me." "..." "I'll help you leave town afterward." "..." "I'll give you $300 to pay for the gun" "Deal."
  8. If they came out against no-knock warrants I'll write them a check. I don't know how any thinking person believes those are okay.
  9. So Sweden cleared the brush and the US did not. Or is that backwards? I think what you are missing about your analogy is that no two pieces of real estate are the same, so the condition of my fire clearing and weed control may not be comparable to yours given your wonderfully appointed 2 acre hunting lodge and my empty 2 section cow/calf side hustle. Maybe I'm happy for some brush fire, I'm grazing so I don't have excess fuel and no improvements. The same brush fire that actually helps my grass next season burns down your entire hunting camp. That's how stupid that analogy is (or can be).
  10. So is this true in every other country? I don't think you're saying our politics caused the pandemic. Did all bad politics in all countries cause it? Confusing.
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