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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. So folks that tote guns at Open America protests are giving aid to domestic terrorists? Holy shit. If true.
  2. The culinary signaling about how the Shag 1% would never eat at Chili's is as predictable as it is tiring. I don't like the place either but this is the same elitist bigotry saying that the clingers are protesting they can't have Applebee's when the issue is that folks are out of work. My service-industry related startup is officially now defunct. A few of my clients have gone broke and will not reopen. My sister's employer (another chain the Surl 1% would love to shit all over I'm sure so I won't mention the name) is chapter 13. She has like 25 years with that company. Once we get rid of all the substandard eateries and we are all channeling Julia Childs from our well-appointed kitchens what are these great unwashed (you know, morons) going to do for a living?
  3. What? I repped you for making fun of them, even though your pic was a lie. Since I appear to have misunderstood you, and you are taking these dolts seriously, I'm now making fun of you.
  4. I think it is just precious those dipshits have you wetting your pants over them.
  5. https://disrn.com/news/texas-park-ranger-pushed-into-lake-while-telling-crowd-to-social-distance
  6. As is a true viral mortality rate, apparently. To your point I'd at least say we do know there is an associated (w/ unemployment) mortality rate increase, but I'd agree that would be hard to measure accurately.
  7. But what if your face is contaminated? You should really wash your face also. After you disinfect the faucet...
  8. He's explicitly saying China lies, even if you were in office. I don't know how you get "everything was handled perfectly" from that.
  9. Yep. The real thing is hard to beat. slow day at the office.
  10. Upthread there is an article that explains that Pharm mfg went offshore because FDA regulation just couldn't be as onerous/effective (take your pick) in China. edit: so the point is that in some cases regs have driven industries overseas, either directly or indirectly by imposition of more costs etc. I'm not saying fuck the planet or whatever but all those dangerous carcinogens we "banned" are just made in China under even less oversight.
  11. Do you think that a dutiful reading your posts would be more likely to prompt the average sulryer to: a) mask up b) go to the nearest Covid ICU and lick the linoleum c) commit suicide
  12. They wanted to get more people sick (herd immunity). More people got sick. Seems like they succeeded.
  13. https://phys.org/news/2020-04-genetic-barcode-rapidly-revealing-covid-.html Genetic tracing 'barcode' is rapidly revealing COVID-19's journey and evolution opening graph my money quote is the last graph
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