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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. Since we're all talking anecdotes 3 emps in my shop were able to get tested in 915, 1 w/ symptoms and the other two because they were riding around in the truck with the first guy. They got the test right away at a local health center, this was about 2 weeks ago (all negative). TBH I don't get the apparent gravity of the testing issue, particularly at this stage. Obviously I'd like to test everyone that sneezes and quarantine the +s, but I think we know that asymptomatic spread is a big issue (by both those who will and those who will not remain asymptomatic). Also let's say we're testing errbody (meaning asymptomatic) and I get tested and am infected by someone else at the clinic, but I (correctly) test negative (let's go to the football game/concert/coronavirus protest!). But now I'm positive and will very soon be shedding the virus. So how often do we retest? One test doesn't really tell you much (I don't have it right this second... Oops now I've got it). Also, isn't the point of the testing what we do w/ the data? In SK they were able to track/notify/control in a way that isn't feasible and wouldn't be as effective here for geographic and murica reasons. So let's assume we could wave a wand and test X number tomorrow (w/ X being whatever number of whatever population/demographic the surl deems need testing). Then what? (obligatory 1. test 2... 3. profit) edit: shit rpspeed beat me to it (MA antibody test story) IMO antibody tests data is more important now
  2. Cite list of people who want a test but can't get one? Absent that how have we shown he misspoke?
  3. ? They're not doing that on this thread. So I don't really know what your point is.
  4. Gus ain't fuckin' around.
  5. Even better: what the fuck else is there to do? Let's pivot to the subject of testing. We haven't covered that.
  6. So various govt. officials have commented on it. Politicians. Huh. So has Surly, random Twitterers, the Guardian, NY Times, Fox News, every other fucking news outlet, and me. This isn't the "find a cure or minimize negative outcomes" thread. This is the thread for Covid-19. Including discussions about where it came from, without your weird partisan conspiracy theories about Fox News, the DOD and other Republicans. Jesus.
  7. On page 8, Jan 25 (first and only page I looked at. There were others about the Horseshoe Bats, genome of the virus & etc.) https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/13391-dt-covid-19-no-politics-allowed/&do=findComment&comment=2000797 https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/13391-dt-covid-19-no-politics-allowed/&do=findComment&comment=2000797 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7922379/Chinas-lab-studying-SARS-Ebola-Wuhan-outbreaks-center.html
  8. In addition to ignoring Cable News (I highly recommend it), I also never rely on Facebook for any real information beyond birthdays & etc. (also highly recommended). My info on this theory is all from this thread where it has been noted that 1) bats that carry the virus are not trafficked in the Wet Market, and not found in the region 2) except for inside the Wuhan virology lab That seems like a pretty solid coincidence, and is all I'm going off of. Not Facebook. Not Fox. I only read surl.
  9. What "entities" are "pushing" the lab theory? I mean, I've posted about it, but I'm not "pushing" it. I guess you could say I'm an "entity" though.... edit: forgot to ask, so what is my agenda? IMO it is to find out the truth about where this came from. Your agenda seems to differ somewhat.
  10. But that's not what you're doing, since Fox reported it you discounted it totally and in fact assumed it must be a conspiracy theory. But what if you are wrong in this case? You're just denying yourself legitimate information for no good reason. Meanwhile I don't watch cable news, but if I did I wouldn't totally ignore whichever channel, say, Stephanopoulos is on just because he worked for the Clinton administration Like you I think it is wrong for partisan politicians to pretend like they are straight news, but I'll listen anyway because I want to be able make up my own mind. Plus if you ignored every news outlet that hired former Administration officials you would probably run out of news sources.
  11. ...therefore whatever they report is wrong? They can't be right even once? Nice heuristic I guess.
  12. Like "LOLNO get out of my office I thought you were with Uber Eats"? (looking into cheap commercial kitchen space, used equipment)
  13. it did not originate from there. But so what if it had? What if it is accurate? I think CNN is trash but I don't reflexively ignore everything they report because I like to make up my own mind. You should try it.
  14. I was just thinking more broadly about the restaurant co declaring 13 as far as liquidating their assets: LOL! What is the used restaurant equipment market look like for the foreseeable future? For that matter, what does the commercial/retail real estate market look like going forward?
  15. Sister is a director w/ a smallish restaurant co., about 80 locations, and they just told everybody they would not be reopening and are going chapter 13. I was doing some work for a startup that serves the bar/rest. industry, and wow are we fucked obviously but we cut all labor (which was basically just a handful of us friends) and don't have much left in the way of expenses. Be interesting to see how many of our clients don't ever open back up or wither and die later. Looks like a nice day outside.
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