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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. I was just thinking more broadly about the restaurant co declaring 13 as far as liquidating their assets: LOL! What is the used restaurant equipment market look like for the foreseeable future? For that matter, what does the commercial/retail real estate market look like going forward?
  2. Sister is a director w/ a smallish restaurant co., about 80 locations, and they just told everybody they would not be reopening and are going chapter 13. I was doing some work for a startup that serves the bar/rest. industry, and wow are we fucked obviously but we cut all labor (which was basically just a handful of us friends) and don't have much left in the way of expenses. Be interesting to see how many of our clients don't ever open back up or wither and die later. Looks like a nice day outside.
  3. I know. It's like I was drunk posting in the AM. Fucking rona.
  4. Mine isn't currently very sloppy but she's welcome to fix that for me.
  5. Which is simpler: 1) virus in a bat 600 miles away hops a few mammals and ends up in Wuhan 2) virus in a bat in Wuhan ends up infecting a human in Wuhan The idea that a totalitarian communist regime is more likely to lie in either # 1 or # 2 just boggles.
  6. The species that carries the virus is not from the area and is not known to be trafficked there. But it IS known to exist in captivity. In Wuhan. In a lab where viruses are studied. Edit: all of this has been posted in this thread
  7. The theory was an accidental exposure not an intentional smuggling of the petri dish. So either a virus from a horseshoe bat 600 miles away found itself in Wuhan or the virus from a horseshoe bat in Wuhan found itself in Wuhan. One scenario seems more likely.
  8. Patient zero may have been an employee at a Wuhan lab studying Corona viruses in bats. This seems a more likely source than a virus in a wild bat several hundred miles away somehow finding its way to Wuhan.
  9. If internet commentary were ever a representative sample we'd already be long extinct.
  10. We could select our leaders at random from the general population and do much, much better that we are sure to get.
  11. The fucking lawyers, like that dipshit, have their monetary reasons.
  12. thx asshoe
  13. Siap https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/08/doctors-say-ventilators-overused-for-covid-19/ With ventilators running out, doctors say the machines are overused for Covid-19 By SHARON BEGLEY @sxbegle APRIL 8, 2020
  14. These things suck. If I sneeze it is shooting out the sides. A handkerchief would be more effective IMO.
  15. For the 20th time or so but still good
  16. What is fragile about businesses laying off workers when the govt. mandates that they close?
  18. Nobody is doing less with more right now than our AD.
  19. A $4 mask > no mask. I think the issue folks are having with your stance is they, and I, suspect any "solutions" to the price gouging will result in the "no mask" scenario. Of course we will have defeated price gouging, but if you don't allow for profit off of shortages then you will face more shortages. The shortage is the enemy, the high price a symptom (and, arguably, a cure).
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