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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. If he tried to lose he would fail at that too, so that cannot be happening.
  2. That was me last year. This year I don't watch. I highly recommend it.
  3. My bad I thought he went from UNM head coach to SDSU head job.
  4. ? Long hasn't worked as a coordinator in like 25 years.
  5. Username checks out.
  6. Not sure why you got negged for that. Dude also said they were suspended air service to Iran. First google result: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/2851459-ukraine-suspends-its-flights-over-iran-airspace-pm-honcharuk.html
  7. Jerry is Jed without the humility, competence, and self awareness.
  8. This is fucking hilarious until you realize Jed was actually very competent, and if you imagine an episode where Jed ends up owning America's Team you know the episode ends with them winning the Super Bowl while Jerrah looks on.
  9. ¿Ha tomado Buchanas?
  10. Can't believe y'all watched this.
  11. I thought so too but I came back across about a year ago without one. CBP was not happy but let me in. I think they have to. That said if you have a passport card the wait is shorter because you can scan it. Last time I crossed with a group this was a 20 minute difference, so I always suggest you get a card
  12. Shitload of Germans in CH also (I'm friends with a Blaugrund and Felhaber), not sure why. I have a German great great something that was a farmer in CH...
  13. I dunno man, shit is arguably as bad as ever in Juárez. That said, I rode over with a buddy yesterday to help unload some furniture at a relative of his. His tio thanked me but then said "Now get your güero ass back to El Paso."
  14. I was close. As I recall 2nd gear grenaded in my 03 powerstroke. I do recall the housing was cracked/damaged
  15. Pretty sure that was a French transmission, ZF. To be fair they broke behind Powestrokes also.
  16. I'm worried that if I watch I'll be laughing and sarcastically saying "shoot it! shoot it!" every time we're anywhere near the three point line, and that's a bad look.
  17. Can we say we've seen countless denunciations of Abel Reyna by others of his ilk? Is that sorry excuse of a human still fucking people over somewhere in the name of lawyering?
  18. I've also missed these countless denunciations.
  19. When you assert that literally 100% are bad it ruins your argument. If you really believe that then keep it to yourself.
  20. As has been pointed out, Lawyers have plenty of incentive to self, uh, police that cops lack. I took the comparison to refer to how we all bitch about attorneys but do understand not all are bad. But we have people here making that argument about cops and not in a hyperbolic manner. Blaming all cops, as individuals, is childish and useless. If it is true that all cops are morally flawed then we have some kind of selection or training issue to address. Point being if you want ethical behavior you need institutions (like the Bar) and culture (like the ethos of reporting corruot lawyers and the associated process of revoking their license) to reinforce that. So posts by attorneys defending their profession in this thread about a bunch of guys getting railroaded by attorneys are ironic but also miss the point.
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