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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2019/11/09/texas-tops-purdue-leukemia-survivor-andrew-jones-honors-tyler-trent/2545700001/
  2. To be fair I think that is what I would do given how regarded our defense is. Also eke. Then again maybe eek is better here.
  3. Why was the clock running before that TD?
  4. You have to consider the opponent.
  5. Apologies for being late to this thread. By chance is OP a Cowboys fan?
  6. Typically fly into Memphis to visit Oxford. Central BBQ was pretty good the one time I tried it. My sarc meter on the fritz again?
  7. On the side of the field Jamison is the outside CB, Cook is on the slot guy. Must be Estell behind them. He also got beat on the prior TD (screen cap is of the conversion) from the field slot.
  8. I know we all have PTS_ but it seems like stupendously underachieving play on that side of the ball is our tradition. We even have a traditional savior with his traditional methods for our traditionally overcoached and traditionally shitty defense. It is evergreen. edit: btw if you are reading this Gary _arnell you can go fuck yourself.
  9. That whole "best 11" thing is bullshit on both sides of the ball.
  10. Somebody hasn't been keeping tabs on COA RFPs.
  11. I'd be good with more than one of those tbh. edit: /sarc. not sure who the FB is given our depth chart. Wishbone would not be our best 11. Not that we run out our best 11 otherwise.
  12. I did not expect to be learning beekeeping on the lame joke thread
  13. Lol I might've miscounted but I got 6 each for ISU & NE 2019 rosters.
  14. NAL, NAIS, https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/464706-pge-may-shut-off-power-in-large-portions-of-california-this-week-to So it seems that, in the Camp fire, it is/was alleged that the utility was lax in its maintenance (trimming trees in its ROW)? But that, according to CA law, it doesn't matter if they are properly maintained?
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