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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. You have to wonder since the Z package mentioned includes a third radiator despite the motor only making a few more hp reportedly due to an upgraded exhaust (typically if an exhaust adds 10 hp it is taking more heat away? I'm not Italian).
  2. Yes but we're functioning, unstable drug addicts.
  3. ? You heard the man. He's bringing his whole coon ass. Lit on fire.
  4. We used to sit on top of the 100 gal. propane tank (In the snow. Uphill. Both ways.).
  5. "I'm Cuban, I am not white. I'm white, but I'm Cuban."
  6. Looks like a Ferrari. NTTAWTT
  7. Succeeded Bob Davie @ UNM. Veering further OT (or not, since we're into alliterative names now) I just learned Kai's mom is named Kia.
  8. Meh. I'm not seeing anything objectionable here. "...Texas will always be Texas with or without me." hesrightyouknow.gif
  9. Woke up this morning fantasizing about wearing a go pro and accosting this guy with a shotgun, making him shit himself, and then posting that to YouTube. Would that be wrong?
  10. Narrator: it was Houston. And Nebraska. It's complicated.
  11. Well, those two things might be synonymous, making that repetitive, so perhaps I spoke too soon. Do I have the fucking commas in the right place?
  12. One of the best cowboys I used to hire for day work did not own boots or a hat. Nike high tops and a trucker hat, but the dude was always well mounted, and never missed with his rope. There is no dress code at the roundup.
  13. Didn't move but my parents did the opposite, car pooling me and my sister to the more urban school dist. once we were HS age. Sucked at first as I did not fit in but I finally learned how to speak/write English at a level commensurate (or in the neighborhood) w/ your avg. UT enrolee.
  14. I own several baseball caps, haven't played the game in 20 years. Would you like to confiscate those? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  15. Yes Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  16. It's not insidious,it's reality. Some stranger in, say, Manhattan, gives zero fucks about you. This is less true as pop density goes down, I was stranded just outside Floydada, TX once but only for about ten minutes as multiple people pulled over to offer help. It's human nature.
  17. I dunno man, I'd apologize for the GD word. We don't even like typing it out here, opting for Gotdammit. Aside, twice I've been asked to take off my cowboy hat. Obliged once when the request was polite, said fuck you the time it was not, esp. since that was two rows back. Bitch called the usher who declined to do anything. What say the shag on stowing my cowboy hat?
  18. Does it have one of those vacuum operated fuel pumps? Just spitballing but maybe a failure of that pump and the various interconnected crankcase ventilation circuits, and, well, keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either
  19. Good point, and not to beat a dead horse, but some of these older gaming sites were put in years ago when resistance was much, much higher. So that is, IMO, indicative of a mindset that allows change. Mind you I'm not talking about E Texas, I've never really been there. In rural NM we don't have any sort of Bible Thumping resistance to those sorts of things. We have meth instead.
  20. hyperbole. If there is no gambling anywhere, and Shithole TX puts in a casino, it's a boomtown. Every subsequent casino that opens anywhere subtracts from that. So even if you never get to "every state has plenty of casinos" as you approach that, you approach zero benefit.
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