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Everything posted by GringoSalado

  1. It's almost comical how so many posters are always quick to accuse defenders of individual rights as murderous hicks, like you do in your next post.
  2. Use it to troll the fuck out of them.
  3. Perhaps true but the relative intelligence of our current generation of educated class plays no small part in this (imo).
  4. This idea that the NRA is all powerful is some paranoid, naive bullshit.
  5. ? He literally said "some" in the community, and also made the point that others in that community supported the chicken place. Edit: Also, I love you.
  6. Hell I'd like to see where the HPD report agrees with the actual evidence.
  7. I see exactly one. edit: shit Rimbo beat me to it. Scroll down Gringo...
  8. Jesus.
  9. Who knows, the video is labeled LS6. Doesn't look like the cowl flapper works... Hi lift, solid lifter big blocks with rectangular ports, like the LS6, aren't going to idle very clean (if that's what it is).
  10. Lot of ads for lease deals to haul sand in the ohl fill, pneumatic trlrs but particularly for that Sand Box system (where you don't have to wait on the frac site to get unloaded as the sand literally rides in a removable box instead of a vac tank). Not sure what exactly what it pays (ad I just pulled up claims 81% of gross) or how (by the load or by the mile). Buddy of mine is talking about this and I was curious. Drifter, or anybody, don't deals like this have a spec for the truck they lease (i.e. "must be less than x years old w/ y hours or z miles")? The ads and their website don't say shit about this. What if you roll up in a 82 Mack or some shit (I s'pose a cream puff like Drifter's would be equally bad in some ways).
  11. I've had to take it 3 times, and I always thought the Introvert/Extrovert binary was obvious and therefore suspect, but I'll be damned if I innately understand the other types even today, after reading their descriptors for the hundredth time. And I always score off the chart on everything except I/O where I've scored barely Introverted once and barely Extroverted twice. When I read my overall type it does make sense, but a lot of my horoscope does as well. I guess my reaction is a blended meh. I've never had anybody oversell this test or its use in my situation so I always thought it harmless but somewhat useful.
  12. Came here to post this ^
  13. I think I've watched this 100 times
  14. For the millionth time, the two aren't mutually exclusive.
  15. GringoSalado


    Neighbor had the 90 cc version of these for tooling around their horse farm and let the carb get fouled. Hearing that 12 yr old Gringo was an adept tinkerer (I had a honda minibike at the time) they enlisted me to fix it. And fix it I did, cleaned the carb up and took it for a test run / triumphant return to the neighbor's house. So I head down the ditch bank, mind you I'm an accompllished mini bike badass, but this thing has a mind of its own and wants to go swimming, and we head right into the (full) irrigation canal. The rear axle remained afloat and the ditch rider helped me fish it out. The sun dried my clothes in a few minutes and, being a Honda, it fired right back up and I went the remainder of the way to the neighbors in low range. In summary, fuck those things.
  16. Trying to tapa talk a pic of the maiden cook, fingers crossed. Props to the dude up thread who predicted the hot spot. Empty the top cabinet rack was only 20 degrees cooler than the hottest tank rack, but when loaded (2 pigs & 15 or so ribs in tank plus 60 racks in the cabinet) that grew to 40 deg. No problem whatsoever in making or holding a temp. No lid related injuries. I give it a solid B at this point I guess. Pigs and ribs should be off soon, I'll grab some more pics Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  17. I'm the opposite, I like the natural air gap at the bottom, but I grew up cooking on Oylers. Every square box I've used needed some janky tray to elevate the wood. I'll have some more pics later
  18. Warming cabinet mocked up, not quite square in the pic. Like DCA Horn upthread you might be thinking "wtf, why not just make a square firebox under the warming cabinet" and that's cool because I'm thinking it too. But I really wanted a round firebox. This started out in my head as a reverse flow w/ round firebox to cook 2 or 3 pigs because that's what's on the menu and I had this tank and a bunch of casing. But I also need some ribs capacity (also on menu) so I added the warming cabinet. I'm hoping to actually cook baby backs in there. We'll see if it works. My counterweight didn't work for shit, no amount of weight was going to keep the door open. So I managed to mock it up w/ the door open: Since my first two versions were too short to keep the lid open I threw a few things and then over corrected on my third try. Fucking thing is like 10 feet in the air when the door is closed but it works, it now holds the door open, just barely, but it's empty (haven't added any sand to the tank). The door is still pretty heavy when it's about half way open, but it isn't very heavy when closed. So if I add a bunch of weight to make it easier at 1/2 open I don't think it is going to stay shut very good. I'm not sure if there is any way around that, so something to think about when you decide to cut a 165 lb door.
  19. That's sort of by design, tha warming cabinet is going over the firebox. Edit: the top of my firebox is 7" below the bottom rack.
  20. My next question is about the counterweight. Unfortunately no pics but I tacked a piece of angle at a 45° to the center of the lid, and measured out 1/2 the width of the lid to find the equilibrium moment, or some fucking thing I'm not an engineer, of the weight of the lid. IOW if you put 165 lbs (lid weight) at that spot the lid would, in theory, be in balance. But of course you don't want that, you want the lid to stay closed, and open. So I just picked an arbitrary amount to place my counterweight completely above that point. My counterweight of choice is a forklift propane tank. I didn't post this is "shit you heard in a bar" but a drunk redneck from Tyler I was talking to at my local place swore up and down that a small propane tank filled with sand would be sufficient for even a 48"* 500 gal pit. So then I calculate the weight of my lid (165 if I recall correctly), and calculate the weight of my forklift propane tank filled with sand, and decided I'd better extend it out horizontally for more leverage because it was only going to be like 95 lbs. full of sand. ----------------------------------------------------- tldr I guess my question is how the fuck do you design/position your counterweight. * Also wedded to a 48" door as this thing is meant for whole hogs.
  21. I was pretty fucking confident until you assholes criticized my firebox. But if it doesn't work as configured now modifying it to a square 41" firebox will work with the current design, as you'll see. So provided I live to finish it we'll get to see how well, if at all, it cooks. Hoping for a cool thread so thanks for all the comments. More pics
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