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  1. Twelve Shiners by noon, Drunk eyes squint toward the hot sun, "Texas!" "Fight!" "TEXAS!!!...
  2. It been in years, this particular year was 08. Some old black guy came up to me and some other middle aged couple looking for tickets. Told us he'd get us in for 100 bucks each but once in we were on our own. He said "im walking you up to the gate you'll see my cousin, im going to tell her "you are ok" and you just keep walking past, dont look around, dont hesitate, just walk, when you get in the gate my cousin will be waiting on the inside. You give him the 100." Dude collected 300. Who knows how many people he got in that way. The second I got in Jordan Shipley broke that 80 yard kick off return puttimg us on the board. Its the fair man, im sure there are pleanty of people still pulling those tricks. Good luck
  3. From good Ol SA with two fucking tickets in my hand!!!!! ... FIGHT!!
  4. lol I've learned to bite my tounge a bit with those bastards, especially after the 02'/ 03' beatdowns. The fair was brutal after those. Aggy is another story....fuck em.
  5. So did I when I was deployed in OEF. That's where I first saw them, this game in 2002 on a fucking satellite tv, damn. So when I got in they were the first group I joined. Yep they were rowdy, drinkers and LOVED Texas Football. It was a blast being with people who loved Texas as much as I did. We had bad ass parties and I fucking loved it. I know the frats always had a problem with them. Most of those dues didn't/dont come from money like a lot of the fratty kids, so yea, they do what they can to keep the group together at football games and the Richy Rich types took/take offense. The Universtiy loves em so thats all that matters. And Milhouse was right, straight out of the military, empty ass pockets i did what I could to go to games, including a 100 dollar handshake. They are still in every sense of the word 'college kids', UT college kids at that. So some of the old guy hate is pretty wild especially from those claiming they have "money'. But at least from my behalf its all respect to the shag. The culture was different when I left in 2017, Its getting a bit Texaggy with some people but to each thier own, this dude gets off bashing college kids in a student organization? more power to him. Its all fun (well for most of us) especially the shit i knew I was going to take for the Fireball reference but I dont dirty delete.
  6. Fine lol. I got some pretty good responses save from the angry old man ones.
  7. Well got damn I used to be on here quite regularly in the Shaggy days but when you come in here for some good, natured funny advice about swapping tickets from OU fans and the "get off my lawn crowd" gets their panties in a bunch because they think you are going to be wedging yourself into their hypothetical premium seats, yea its kinda strange lol. Let alone the whole Hellraiser thing. Bunch of old ass men angry at some college kids because they did god knows what to them in 1992. But i suppose releasing it on the Shag is better then seeing a therapist.
  8. Easy its called "take the stick out your ass"
  9. God damn some of you are salty lol. I said within my budget, not "i cant afford them". Some of yall forgot how to enjoy yoursleves and grumpied your way into Texags territory. Loosen up, no one is taking your hypothetical seats.
  10. Take it up with the University "bro", thats a school sactioned student organization with ,yes, first choice at seats.
  11. Frat boy, huh?
  12. Anyway Im fucking pumped. Im hoping by halftime it aint going to matter with all the blow u fans emptying thier seats! Texas fucking Fight.
  13. Amen. And if you dont have the cash some of us will still find a way.
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