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Everything posted by MikeUT8750

  1. Twelve Shiners by noon, Drunk eyes squint toward the hot sun, "Texas!" "Fight!" "TEXAS!!!...
  2. It been in years, this particular year was 08. Some old black guy came up to me and some other middle aged couple looking for tickets. Told us he'd get us in for 100 bucks each but once in we were on our own. He said "im walking you up to the gate you'll see my cousin, im going to tell her "you are ok" and you just keep walking past, dont look around, dont hesitate, just walk, when you get in the gate my cousin will be waiting on the inside. You give him the 100." Dude collected 300. Who knows how many people he got in that way. The second I got in Jordan Shipley broke that 80 yard kick off return puttimg us on the board. Its the fair man, im sure there are pleanty of people still pulling those tricks. Good luck
  3. From good Ol SA with two fucking tickets in my hand!!!!! ... FIGHT!!
  4. lol I've learned to bite my tounge a bit with those bastards, especially after the 02'/ 03' beatdowns. The fair was brutal after those. Aggy is another story....fuck em.
  5. So did I when I was deployed in OEF. That's where I first saw them, this game in 2002 on a fucking satellite tv, damn. So when I got in they were the first group I joined. Yep they were rowdy, drinkers and LOVED Texas Football. It was a blast being with people who loved Texas as much as I did. We had bad ass parties and I fucking loved it. I know the frats always had a problem with them. Most of those dues didn't/dont come from money like a lot of the fratty kids, so yea, they do what they can to keep the group together at football games and the Richy Rich types took/take offense. The Universtiy loves em so thats all that matters. And Milhouse was right, straight out of the military, empty ass pockets i did what I could to go to games, including a 100 dollar handshake. They are still in every sense of the word 'college kids', UT college kids at that. So some of the old guy hate is pretty wild especially from those claiming they have "money'. But at least from my behalf its all respect to the shag. The culture was different when I left in 2017, Its getting a bit Texaggy with some people but to each thier own, this dude gets off bashing college kids in a student organization? more power to him. Its all fun (well for most of us) especially the shit i knew I was going to take for the Fireball reference but I dont dirty delete.
  6. Fine lol. I got some pretty good responses save from the angry old man ones.
  7. Well got damn I used to be on here quite regularly in the Shaggy days but when you come in here for some good, natured funny advice about swapping tickets from OU fans and the "get off my lawn crowd" gets their panties in a bunch because they think you are going to be wedging yourself into their hypothetical premium seats, yea its kinda strange lol. Let alone the whole Hellraiser thing. Bunch of old ass men angry at some college kids because they did god knows what to them in 1992. But i suppose releasing it on the Shag is better then seeing a therapist.
  8. Easy its called "take the stick out your ass"
  9. God damn some of you are salty lol. I said within my budget, not "i cant afford them". Some of yall forgot how to enjoy yoursleves and grumpied your way into Texags territory. Loosen up, no one is taking your hypothetical seats.
  10. Take it up with the University "bro", thats a school sactioned student organization with ,yes, first choice at seats.
  11. Frat boy, huh?
  12. Anyway Im fucking pumped. Im hoping by halftime it aint going to matter with all the blow u fans emptying thier seats! Texas fucking Fight.
  13. Amen. And if you dont have the cash some of us will still find a way.
  14. I think I pulled the trigger too soon. I saw prices went down about 50-75 bucks since i bought them two days ago. Same fucking section is now 50 bucks cheaper. There was a day, before the significant other, where I would wait until game day to pull the trigger and either make a killing or not go but I cant do that now, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I used always avoid these online ticket scalpers that have "dynamic" pricing but now it seems to be the only way. So yea I probably suck at it.
  15. Yea it wasnt the ticket prices that are the killer its the service fees. $200 for fees alone is crazy. For two takes what should be 800 trip well into to the grand + territory pretty quickly. I know the rest of the blue hairs on here make a million month but a G just on tickets was too steep for the budget. There was a day when you could just hop on Craigslist or the forums and meet someone outside the stadium but Ive been reading fraud is a MAJOR issue now. Times are changing. So blow U ticket with some finesse will land us with good guys.
  16. Well considering the topic at hand was about getting to the Texas side and NOT about trying to upgrade into 'premium' seats, I would say the point is fucking missed. The blue hairs have hijacked the thread.
  17. No, Im gonna be chill, its the hottest football game in the nation, I've been to enough of them to expect it. Drink a beer, stand up, be loud, dont lose. I dont understand people who expect space and comfort at a rivalry game where 100k+ are being jammed into a space made for 95k that was built in 1960. Especially if 70% of that group are rabid undergrads that have been drinking for 3 hours before the game even started. The NFL has suites for the comfort crowd. So no Im not sure what people think when they get mad at everyone for standing up, drinking, cramming and being loud. This is a big reason why our home game atmosphere stinks when compared to places like Tiger Stadium, Byant Denny, The Swamp ect... so yea Im all for it. Duh, all they do is drink.
  18. Dude, its the Shag under a differnt name. Of course I knew how this thread plays out. Were all just a buch of assholes who love Texas.
  19. So Im ignoring the " i want a nice quiet place to sit for the game !" blue hairs. We get yall are lame, noted. On that, yea ive never sat OU side. I genreally get along with most people inculding OU people, so being a victim of a Deliverance scenerio isnt something im worried about . The only time ever I had a problem was at Aggy upper deck. It got so bad they moved 8 of us to the lower Texas section next to Colts family, it was pretty cool. Anyway, we were searching for tickets but they were in the 1k price point upper deck for 2 on the Texas side (im buying for me and my fiance and thats def out of our range.). We dexided, fuck it, lets just go and watch the game on the TVs outside, its still going to be a bad ass time. Then we landed on 2 OU side tickets for 680 and couldnt pass it up. Shes never been (Texas State grad and is starting to get into Texas football) but there aint nothing in the world like being a part of that chant with your fellow Longhorns. Either way. we're there! And im sure some blowklahoma dickwads are going to swap or some bad ass Texas fans will wedge us in. I was looking ideas. We used to do it for people back in day. So dont worry blue hairs, you can sit in your little premium bluehair section and jerk each other off to the memory of old Red, sipping your arnold palmies not worrying about someone screaming in your ear when we score a TD. On the Hellraiser topic, yea some us used to, can be , and will be a pian in the ass but the point of it is they (we) LOVE Texas so yea they will always get a pass in my book.
  20. Who is this??? Lol. Kyle?? Also some you sound like old ass bitches . Ten years of shit turned some of yall into Texags memebers. "I dont take shots like that, wwaaaa, its for girlss waaa are you going to paint ypur face?? Waaa, dont move sections its notvl fair waaaaaa" Youll take whatever is given to you, and like it. Its OU wekend got damn it, act like it.
  21. Haha. The plan is to hopefully see some blow u fans shitting in the upper Texas section and swapping seats. I will be holding liqor though
  22. I mean is it a dick move if your boots are filled to the brim with fireball, tequila and voda shots to share with yall your new friends??
  23. So we got tickets but sitting in the blow U section. Any idea how to wedge ourselves on the Texas side? Any ideas? OU ticket sawps? Any surlyhorns wanting two more to sit with them? (Im an old Hellrasier btw c/o 07) any one ever remedy this problem? Sorry for posting in Ticket exchange but i cant post in the football forum yet
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