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Everything posted by Seger78

  1. Agreed, put the kids in coach and use the rewards for a business class seat for yourself
  2. That's true, but there is quite a lot of video showing them doing the tomahawk chop, and dancing around doing American Indian parodies. Is that ok? Also, the little fat kid with the boobs in the video that starts before drummers get there shouldn't be dancing around the Lincoln Memorial with his shirt off and being cheered for it.
  3. I have been a constant user of sir/ma'am for most of my life, but I have got it wrong a few times (recently called a young overweight woman with short hair "sir" accidently") and felt terrible about it. Lately I have tried to switch to yes please, no thank you, thank you very much, appreciate you, etc. The olds still get ma'am and sir.
  4. Conan Without Borders is pretty great. If you like Conan O'brien and Anthony Bourdain you should love this.
  5. Mine has gone out twice but came back quickly. Just south of the river
  6. The Bolt is still going strong and it's a great car. 230 mile range and fun to drive.
  7. Oasis is worse than every band mentioned so far
  8. My Bad
  9. Started drizzling?
  10. Well, that was sad
  11. I think you have confused Fred Akers with Bob Seger.
  12. Just watched the new Adam Sandler stand-up special and really liked it.
  13. Fixe has a decent brunch, a private room, and takes reservations. https://fixesouthernhouse.com/
  14. Can't wait Love his work with puppets
  15. I think Chris Wallace is the best on Fox, and one of the best on all of the networks.
  16. How do you know it was keyed because of the Obama sticker and not because of a shitty parking job?
  17. He also got my DWI dismissed 15 years ago, so he's alright by me.
  18. I thought the same until I quit drinking. Now I celebrate ice cream and all other desert foods.
  19. http://www.north.stokes.k12.nc.us/departments/english/nicholas_brandes.htm Looks like that is after 10yrs of working too
  20. That dirty glass brings back memories of drinking at Lovejoys
  21. Chevy Van? That's alright with me
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