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Claire Voyant

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Everything posted by Claire Voyant

  1. Or there is a possibility that the reality presented and believed here is incongruent with the reality on the ground.
  2. Are you a drug rep by chance? Could you leave some Ozempic at the tailgate to spike the coffee with, instead of whiskey?
  3. These pics make me think Surly posters are lying when they claim to only bang 10s.
  4. She’s hot garbage. A pathetic statist, that predictably gets the Neonmoon types excited. Looking out for the little guy! As she tries to take away basic freedoms.
  5. I realize it takes modest intellectual depth to get past where the info comes from, but the hyperlinks to the pieces that correct her disinformation are included in the link.
  6. One other thing. Look at this moron. self-custody is an "ever more sophisticated technology"? lol
  7. Who cares what maybe the most successful investor of the last 50 years thinks? Pretty much any tweet, with any kind of reach, on any subject, will have a cringe comment. Irrelevant, but predictable post. It's not often that freaking anyone on the street can front run Blackrock as much as they want. Sure you've had the opportunity for years, but there is one last window now to jump in.
  8. Ahh blockchain, not bitcoin. That goes back several years, as do "enterprise blockchains". Much ado about nothing. Try the inverse. https://unchained.com/blog/bitcoin-not-blockchain/
  9. Most open, permissioned is an oxymoron. I would fully expect banks like Goldman to favor Eth. More centralized and more easily captured over the long haul via proof of stake. Also, whatever Eth manages to accomplish via scaling, the fact of the matter is it has and adjustable monetary policy/schedule. Controlled via centralized entities.
  10. a lot of talk that this is final bit of frontrunning of ETF. Will the same thing happen this time? No way to tell, but interesting. Losers and haters in disbelief Good point. I guess they could sell. Nothing is stopping them. Long term, doesn't matter.
  11. BTC looking good, encroaching on yearly highs. Who's a seller at this point?
  12. Legacy markets tanking at the same time as BTC rises alongside gold. It's clearly established as part of the flight to safety trade now. Didn't read, but the 4 year cycles have been pretty reliable. With all the geopolitical uncertainty and looming money printing, it's clear 2024-2025 will be big. Catalysts aplenty.
  13. Yield Curve Control is inevitable
  14. Let me bring up a reasonable assessment I saw elsewhere that feels correct. Our version of July Crisis. The USA (Germany) is giving Israel (Austria) the blank check to invade Gaza (Serbia). Awesome!
  15. They halted deposits a while back. Don’t have funds on Binance. If you’re an American you haven’t been able to for a while. Binance blowing up is one more big shoe to drop. The CEO is a wayyy more competent operator/fraudster than SBF was. It will take quite a bit for them to completely blow up. Could still happen though. I’m pulling for you, haters.
  16. Sure. But I'm of the opinion that, as the CEO of the largest asset manager in the world, he's speaking from the place of a guy that already knows it's getting approved. Blackrock doesn't apply for it unless it's going through. If I put on my tinfoil hat, I think Bitcoin may not be seen as a threat, but something that needs to be better controlled or marginalized. One potential step in that direction is getting an entity like Blackrock to be one of the biggest holders in the world via a popular ETF. Then more people hold "paper bitcoin" which you know from GLD is not the same thing.
  17. I’m not familiar with Eth attempts at scaling. That said, yes there are trust assumptions/trade offs introduced with second layer bitcoin transactions on the lightning network. There’s also work being done with other layers/scaling options. It’s all part of the process, but the base layer will remain trustless. Scaling to cover every transaction on the planet would be necessary to make fiat currency obsolete. But it isn’t necessary to scale to that level to make BTC valuable. We’re already there. It has an assigned value 24/7, and it is substantial. Up 5% today. My guess is because war is inflationary. Money printer goes brrrrt The “actual crypto researchers” missed that point. Especially if they were on the original cryptography mailing list where the white paper was presented! Whoopsie!
  18. Interesting. I was told this was nonsense. Monetary debasement is inevitable, although the economy appears to be holding out ok for now in the face of rate hikes. If the 4 year cycles continue, then 2024 would be beginning of next bull run. Not sure what catalyzes it.
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