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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CycleTex87

  1. Sort of the other way around: My daughter was about the same age, 4 or 5, we get back from wherever we had gone, she tells my wife "I like riding in the car with Daddy on the freeway when he drives fast! It's a little bit scary, but it's a little bit fun!!"
  2. Great car but always a flat 6 - horizontally opposed, until the 718 flat 4
  3. I understand that Porsche has sort of reconfirmed its commitment to ICE power but nowhere have I seen any mention of a future Boxster/Cayman/718 ICE version. All electric as far as I can tell.
  4. I'll just throw in here that I'm kicking around the idea of Porsche Boxster. Last year of ICE production. I like ICE power. Any opinions on the long term value of that vehicle? Will it hold any value? The MSRP is in the $90-$100K range for 2025 models, which is really expensive compared to the same model 5-6 years ago. It's a 10 year old platform and drive train design, but could be a really fun car to have in the garage for all those super nice Houston spring and fall days.
  5. In the 80’s it was fashionable to wear a button down shirt, jeans and boots to the game at least in the student section. Orange t-shirts were not seen much. I remember buddies and I in Fort Worth for a Texas/TCU game and some ladies were going with us who attending Purdue I believe. We showed up to pick them up in our normal game attire and they got in the car wearing sweatpants and tshirts. We were appalled.
  6. I started eating there in the mid 90’s probably.
  7. I have several buddies that either retired from or work for BP. They are all at a loss as to why BP lost its way. All their stock holdings are in the toilet.
  8. I thought the Chick-Fil-A drive thru is one of the more well organized operations I've seen in fast food.
  9. Honestly, the dude probably did more work on those projects than some of the folks legit employed.
  10. What’s #1 in your opinion? 1920?
  11. CycleTex87

    Getting old sucks

    Ugh. Sorry for this.
  12. CycleTex87

    Getting old sucks

    What am I looking at besides a shoulder replacement some time back? Non radiologist here.
  13. Damn I got a text message about my unpaid Texas toll fees, with a link to follow to take care of it. Odd that it comes from a number in the UK, but it must be legit right?
  14. Ate at Gene’s some but it was never the go-to that Scott’s was. Chili Cheese burger rings a bell for some reason.
  15. Never heard of it. Whereabouts? Pats, Scotts are my faves, though haven’t been to Fat Pats in 30 years or so. Wonder if she got skinny in the intervening years?
  16. Forgot to leave off the black olives.
  17. Barry Switzer (in his role as Dallas Cowboys coach) showed up to the airport with a pistol in his luggage that one time.
  18. Yep happy camel doesn’t really compute.
  19. Well it’s Laredo, so…..
  20. Internet info popping up that the pilot flying was the 25 yr old low time first officer IOE with a senior Captain/instructor in the left seat monitoring.
  21. One of the pilot forums I follow mentions something about flap issues prior to landing. Might explain why the crew on the other plane were recording the landing.
  22. Most of us have been on a flight where the pilot just flew it right down onto the runway and you hit pretty hard, usually in gusting crosswinds. I don’t know anything about the robustness of the main landing gear on a CRJ, but they take a beating.
  23. Looks from the video that the pilot flying just dropped it onto the runway too hard and right gear failed.
  24. Entirely possible.
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