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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CycleTex87

  1. Peña’s going to cost us a game in the playoffs.
  2. I'm interested in this beer cap map of the US. Would like to see the rest.
  3. I'll add Perry's to this list as well. Over-salted garbage food and crappy service. But $48 for a 6-oz filet!
  4. George Bush Park walking my dog. Was on the asphalt trail when I first saw him.
  5. Places in Port A should only be compared to other places in Port A.
  6. There’s a Torchy’s in Odessa by where we often stay on frequent trips for bidness. It’s terrible - awful service, cold/reheated food, completely turned me off of Torchy’s anywhere else.
  7. CycleTex87


    My last procedure, they were rolling me over to my side, and flipping the back of my gown up (for access), and it was mostly women in the room, and I'm trying to flip the gown back down, then I woke up in recovery.
  8. Hope there was some good food and good bourbon at least. I know I’d be ready for a drink after 12-14 hrs on a hunt. Beautiful country.
  9. She wouldn’t eat the Mexican rice either. Need to work on that Dad. would crush that Detroit style though.
  10. The Strommy / Dusty interaction looked a little awkward. Dusty all smiles but Strom not.
  11. I'm flying to Calgary from Texas next week. When I booked my trip, there was an app "ArriveCAN" that I needed to fill out and upload my vaccine card, which I did. I got a barcode to scan at the airport when I arrive. Yesterday, the Canadian government canceled all COVID related border checks, and will no longer require the app. I have not gotten a fourth shot yet (bivalent booster), and not sure at this point if I will (in my 50's). I haven't had COVID up to this point even after multiple exposures that I know of, and no telling how many others. I've followed the Johns Hopkins COVID page for the duration of this deal, and today, there is a pop up stating that they are no longer updating those slides: THE CRC HAS STOPPED COLLECTING TESTING DATA This chart is officially out of date as more than 30 states across the US have stopped reporting testing positivity or significantly scaled down their testing reports. The CRC data visualizations will remain available for past dates and reports, but will no longer have up to date information on testing positivity and criteria. STOPPED REPORTING: 09/21/2022
  12. I 'member my buddies and I were in Cancun for Spring Break circa 1985 or so. We were eating burgers at a place for lunch in that space between really really hungover and second wind, when a guy pulled up in a beat up old VW bug. He goes to the front trunk, opens it and hauls out about a 20 lb clear bag of ground beef. It was a hot day, and we saw that and did a few double clutches as we were trying to finish our suddenly unappetizing burgers. /csb
  13. CycleTex87

    It's Dead, Jim

    Negative Ghost Rider. They only protect other team’s quarterbacks.
  14. NY Strip would make a mean guisada
  15. And the freeway is the same size then as now at that spot. (Is that the Riverside overpass in the background?)
  16. Rage emoji for Austin not being like this anymore. I 'member those days.
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