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veritas aequitas

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Everything posted by veritas aequitas

  1. What is Scott Skiles doing these days?
  2. He just needed time for the hair to grow
  3. They have all sounded like they are reading from pre-written bullet points they have no understanding of. It would be nice if people that actually have a clue would run for office.
  4. Same I usually only trade crypto when everything else is closed/ I put a sell order on it soon as a buy and many times it sells while I am asleep.
  5. I would think Generac should look good going forward. But I thought that last March and then I sold when it hit $100. It will probably blow past $400 now.
  6. Not sure you can even call that dilution, it's more like a complete replacement.
  7. I mostly sell puts on stocks I don't mind owning. I either get some nice interest on my collateral or buy stock at a price I am willing to pay for it. If I do get exercised I then sell a few calls until I make a profit and then put it back into collateral for puts. For long calls I prefer to buy the farthest out near the money leap and then sell some out of the money short term calls against them to lower cost. It may not be glamorous but has been a consistent money maker for years now.
  8. Agreed. But The question wasn't if Kelly is better than Herman or Strong. For he is much better than both of them.
  9. This movie was terrible, I made it near what I guess was the end of the mall scene and punched out. I don't get DC, Titans, Doom Patrol and Nolan Batman movies were all good to great but everything else they put out is total shit.
  10. No, not really. He like Mack improved the team at every stop but he seemed to have peaked at Blue Valley State or whatever it was. He has been at Notre Dame plenty long to actually do something but yet he just gets blown out in every big game.
  11. I narrowed mine some time ago to Early Times Bottled in Bond. I like it, it's cheap and it's available.
  12. "Made enough money to buy Miami but pissed it away so fast" Lived it and have seen it so many times in the oilfield it has to be my favorite lyric of all time.
  13. The only movie he has made that I can say I really liked Tom Cruise in it. Otherwise he is to film what Garth Brooks is to music.
  14. I was never a fan of disco but the Bee Gees were greatness.
  15. It picked up steam on the 2nd and steamrolled to the finish.
  16. Nice windfall. Hopefully he has a Robinhood account.
  17. They do seem to have a guy who can coach a bit.
  18. It's on Amazon now and I was pleasantly surprised by it. Not at all what I thought it was going into it. Lots of strange turns.
  19. Sean Payton with Drew Brees as QB coach
  20. Anyone here using Webull? I had been using Robinhood for several years but just got on Webull a couple of weeks ago and it makes a nice companion to Robinhood and allows margin trading but not options at this time. It seems to have more analytical information available quickly but not as quick to submit a trade. It also seems to be a bit ahead of Robinhood on pricing most of the time, when I have them both open looking at same the stock the price is most always closer to real time on webull.
  21. I wouldn't call it garbage but it is certainly more along the lines of unintentional comedy.
  22. I ruined a couple of pair of good boots as a kid trying to turn them into some like James West had.
  23. The Rock should play him but as a transgender.
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