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veritas aequitas

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Everything posted by veritas aequitas

  1. Should have gone with Heim's
  2. So you spend $99 to save $69? This sounds like something my ex-wife would do.
  3. Yep, and then Polanski wouldn't get caught banging a 6th grader at Jack Nicholson's house.
  4. I thought the intertwining of the 2 stories was the point of the Once Upon a time in Hollywood ending. Rick Dalton was fading into obscurity but then his career was saved by the Manson family failed murder attempt leading to him getting the invite up to the Polanski house he had dreamed about. So now he is in with the in crowd and since Sharon Tate wasn't murdered then Polanski doesn't get ran out of town for banging kids and goes on to make some big block busters.
  5. You can aggie up anything.
  6. I thought it was just the paper was soaked in it so it would be similar to those little tabs of paper which would provide the desired effect prior to being burned.
  7. No, you're the blind one.
  8. The Boys was great, took until the end of episode 1 to get started but from then on it was a mix of Deadpool and Preacher as far as entertaining violence goes.
  9. Adjusted for inflation these will be the lowest performing Bond films ever if it makes it past the intro.
  10. I am guilty of fast forwarding porn shows at times. Sometimes the acting, story lines and character development are not all that great but I still enjoy the show.
  11. Without the Fonz this show will lose a lot of appeal for me.
  12. That was wild
  13. All of this goes away. Great ending.
  14. Yeah heard that this afternoon. Was the first time i had heard that story.
  15. He and Rob Riggle basically have the same act yell something then start laughing and everyone else will think it's funny. But it actually sucks.
  16. I'll just stick to watching "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" on a near weekly basis and listening to the unbeatable soundtrack.
  17. I don't know, Ryan Leaf seems to pop again and again with every drug bust.
  18. You would have to ask Dale about that. I just say that as Dale prior to that versus Dale today. He is not the same guy at all.
  19. Reserved seating, the seats and the wide aisles at Alamo have me going there and only there. I also like all the weird stuff they do it just seems to be more fun than seeing a movie elsewhere.
  20. Dale's daughter banging black buys in college has had an odd effect on him.
  21. Wonder where he ranks Slayer, they would be right there with them in shittiest bands I don't listen to.
  22. All of them. And I'll add Coogan's Bluff since it hasn't been mentioned.
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