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Everything posted by Netzer

  1. If that's a 'partial' collapse, then I only 'partially' laid waste to your mom.
  2. https://giant.gfycat.com/OffensiveOddballGlassfrog.webm
  3. Thinking about buying a sports message board from a guy who owns some rundown drive thru cocktail business. First and final offer will be $3.50. Heard he wants to get that shit off his hands a.s.a.p..
  4. Sounds like someone did plug your wife while you were plugging your lawn.
  5. https://giant.gfycat.com/HonoredSmoothGazelle.webm
  6. Celtics will definitely be hamstrung without Brown.
  7. Netzer

    2018 MLB Thread

    Pfff... big deal. Meanwhile Pablo Sandoval is going for his first Cy Young award.
  8. Only being a #10 seed in the Dragonwagon Regional must have been a whole new experience for Serena Williams.
  9. Netzer

    2018 MLB Thread

    Tampa's Johnny Field hurting the Red Sox with his first big league homer. Beautiful. Guy's been fun to watch at Arizona.
  10. Does the horse go by the name of Rachel Starr?
  11. It would be a shit show.
  12. Where Kevin Morgan will eventually end up... vs.
  13. https://giant.gfycat.com/EllipticalWildJoey.webm
  14. That Bradley penalty kick was quite dangerous. https://giant.gfycat.com/SociableWavyJay.webm
  15. Derka losing his cool over a team that's won jack shit in more than half a century. Now I've seen it all.
  16. Weird, she never does that on me.
  17. Kevin Morgan? Looks like they already got him.
  18. https://giant.gfycat.com/ComplicatedPleasingJuliabutterfly.webm
  19. https://giant.gfycat.com/HarmoniousFlickeringFreshwatereel.webm
  20. Unharmed. https://giant.gfycat.com/CloseBrilliantChrysalis.webm
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