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Robin Masters

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  1. https://imgur.com/gallery/OojJxYY
  2. Winning a title with Kyrie and some scrubs (Kevin Love played like a scrub most of that series) just makes KD LBJ. I guess that's not bad, though.
  3. A couple of years ago my dad brought me some Bodacious Mobberly BBQ. Was 4 hours old by the time he got here with it. Was still amazing. I went there shortly after that, was there at the open. Everything was real good but not wow. A couple of days ago got there about 2:30 got some of the last brisket. OMG incredible. The bark was perfect, just some of the best brisket ever. They also had a Bucks BBQ sticker on the door, the market of a quality place?
  4. You dumbasses talking this better without KD nonsense need to stop and go back and watch the championship they lost to Cleveland, and then watch them the next year. The thing that KD absolutely delivers is a guy that gets his own shot when the shot clock is running down. If Curry is not hot and drawing the double team no one else on GSW can consistently get open. Curry winds up with hugely contested DEEP 3's. Farther you go in the playoffs, refs letting them play a little, Curry has some struggles at times, and they become very beatable. Durant puts a stop to that. Yeah they have slowly got away from what to me was the most beautiful ball I've seen. That first year with Durant, when things were clicking it was truly special. They have gotten lazy knowing KD will bail them out. I predict if KD makes it back, they will get back to that beautiful ball, no more heat check crap. Don't be afraid to run the offense, etc.
  5. Meanwhile in Oklahoma
  6. Everyone likes to get some old vise and restore it but I wouldn't. Do some googling on ductile iron and vises. The DI is much stronger than cast iron, like double. It's only been around since the 1940s. I went with this Yost. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E8ITETS/ If you can wait, Amazon usually runs a big sale on Yost once or twice a year. I paid $120 in early December.
  7. Whenever the refs haven't been giving me even legit undercut fouls, and I need 3 points late in the game, I make sure to do the silliest looking jump forward 3 feet and kick my leg out shot, instead of just shooting the shot with my normal form. Sorry, yeah you got robbed on some stuff, and they got robbed on some stuff but probably less, but that last shot was stupid. Game on the line it's not time to rely on the kindness of refs. Hell let Gordon or Paul shoot it if that's all you got.
  8. Greekest Of AllTime?
  9. Is Doris, high, drunk, having mini-strokes?
  10. I did Lofoten/Tromso in the winter for northern lights. He's not kidding, amazing area. I'm telling you drive. Every time I've been on a train looking out the window, wow that looks coo, and it's gone. In a car, wow that looks cool. Stop, turn around, go back. I would keep your schedule as loose as possible. We were there mid-July for the Oslo, Bergen stuff. We had drizzly, crap weather about half the time. On the plus side it never really got dark, so you have can have long long days of touristing. Bring eye masks or whatever you need to sleep. You do not want a hotel room on the street side, mostly it's no AC, open window if its hot, and people are up all hours making noise with the all night twilight. Copenhagen is great. There's that one row of colorful buildings along a canal that everyone takes a pic of. Take the tourist boat tour there that goes around a bunch of canals. They have several kick ass museums. One is right next to Tivoli Gardens, the Carlsberg Glypotek. Carlsberg beer guy a few generations ago had a very solid art collection, as well as Egyptian mummies and what not. A block or so away The National Museum of Denmark. Like their Smithsonian. It's huge, tons of cool things. They do a changing of the guard thing if you're in that area and you probably will be at some point. Noma is open again, but probably impossible for reservations. It's been 4-5 years since I was there but back then there was a some places like Bror and Amass that were former Noma chefs doing their own thing, and those were not that hard to get in.
  11. We rented a car in Oslo and drove a loop, out to Flam. On the way we stopped at one of the super old churches. Google rick steves norway in a nutshell and he has some about the flam area. I really can''t remember the order we did it all in but I think we took an out and back on a train, and then the same on a Fjord cruise. After that we drove to Bergen. Rick is going to have you train out there, do a one way train down to the water, cruise one way, then train to Bergen. I didn't mind the out and backs because everything was draw joppingly good, plus we saw of great stuff driving ourselves. We spent a rainy day in Bergen wandering around the old town, then drove down to Stavanger. We were going to do the hikes to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preikestolen and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kjeragbolten but we had crappy weather so wound up only doing Preikestolen. Well worth it. They have some designated scenic routes. Overlap those when you can, but man we saw amazing stuff all over the place. You'd just be tooling along, and bam, waterfall coming out of the mountain right by the road. https://www.visitnorway.com/plan-your-trip/travel-tips-a-z/norwegian-scenic-routes/ Norway is expensive compared to anywhere. We loaded up on sandwich making stuff, and we had a kitchette in our Stavanger hotel and it was still costly.
  12. More like Russians gonna Russian
  13. Cut out all the bs. They're trying to drag 30m of entertainment out into multiple hours on the skills night. Do the whole thing in an hour tops. The skills challenge and 3 point guys better be sucking wind in the finals, they run each round so fast. This cuts down on all the interviews with rapper, actors, virtue signallers, etc. 3 point needs to be head to head. If I could handle it growing up on our Zenith console, I think a split screen on my current TV that's a zillion times bigger will be ok. Dunk contest, go back to the old ways, if you miss a dunk it's a zero, sit down. Maybe people don't try as crazy of a dunk, but then maybe they have their shit together. And if they make it to the finals they're still going to go for it. Get multiple judges like Dr. J. Julius didn't hand out 10s for mediocre dunks. I'd do away with props, extra people, etc. Just you a ball and a basket. Show me something new, there has to be something that hasn't been done. Can't do that? Then do something I've seen before, at a much much higher level. The old guy games were awful. Some could shoot, some could do nothing, those knees earned their retirement. If you want to do something like that make it shooting only, horse or whatever, no dunks, just shooting. Then again you saw how bad they all shot the other night with ol man Curry. How about a 3 on 3 with the top 6 rookies. 15 by 1s, 3s count as 2, make it take it. No subs. Ok take the top 12 and do 4 teams. Celebrity games always suck. Yeah there might be a non athlete celeb or two that played division 2 or whatever, but its more often whatever network has the game is owned by megacorp, and on one of megacorps other networks they have that new show with that gay actor that they really need to keep in the closet, so lets have him do this sports thing, that will fool everyone. Or you have brat actor that somehow has a following, and he has agreed to sign on to so and so project if we get him in the celeb game. AS game itself. Go back to conferences. Let the fans vote the starters, the coaches vote the rest, and the head coach can pick an additional player or two but not from his own team. Though I admit I do like seeing some of the lineups these drafted games produce. Want to motivate the players? Losing team has to spend the first week after the season doing community service stuff.(oh but all professional athletes love doing that stuff, their leagues tell me so in commercial after commercial.) Get a little crazier. Pick 17 peeps on each team. Three groups of five on each team, either they play full quarters each, or 5minutes each quarter with the clock stopping for that changeover to happen. 4thQ coaches can play whatever combo they want. The extra 2 are for injury but can play in the 4th if desired.
  14. I'm picturing this guy getting hold of the cougar and telling it about his keto diet, how he chose his preferred running shoe and the pussy just willed itself to die.
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