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  1. Great fucking season! This stings because we played like shit (mostly) and still had a chance to win. Proud of our team! 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽 Oh - and that’s difference b/t a QB that’s played in college for 6 yrs and one that hasn’t completed a full healthy season.
  2. Maybe there is something to having a quarterback who’s been playing for 6 yrs.
  3. Too soon, I’m sure, but with this performance, does Ewers comes back? He obviously still has lots to work on.
  4. Definitely disappointed in our D so far. Was expecting (hoping for) better. But tip of the hat – they can throw the ball.
  5. How have they not gotten the ball into Worthy’s hands yet
  6. Question (may have already been addressed, but couldn't find it): has there been any thoughts or info on the possibility that QE's shoulder was part of the problem with not throwing in the second half? We saw him leave the field a little early at halftime (granted there were only a few second seconds left)- safe assumption it was for more treatment (or another shot). Still trying to wrap my head around not throwing it more in the second half.
  7. How do we not have a version of the tush-push play?!?! Use 2 biggins in the backfield with Savion or MM. One to lead and one to push. Problem solved.
  8. Looks like this will be in our defense’s hands. Yay.
  9. It’s just typical UT. An attitude and culture of entitlement. They don’t have any fight or dog in them. They feel like just because they are UT. They should win everything. It’s such an elitist attitude and it pisses me off beyond belief. We have more talent than almost any other team out there. But we don’t have the coaching or the desire.
  10. I have lost all confidence on our quarterback, just like our head coach – they both play not to lose instead of playing to win.
  11. Fuck this shit. If they don’t care, why should I.
  12. This team is overrated. Top 20/25 at best. Probably win this somehow but a loss or 2 are definitely coming.
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