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safe sex

Certifiably Surly
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  1. When your "thinking" (a generous term) causes actual harm, yeah, you're a bad person
  2. That guy has future AG written all over him
  3. No parent (and certainly no government) is pressing their kids to get on hormones fuck OFF
  4. I was promised children using litterboxes in schools
  5. safe sex


    I figured but I guess I didn't understand it
  6. safe sex


  7. CR so mean...so toxic...smh 😔
  8. Nevermind that the only hormones prepubescent trans kids get are puberty blockers, which spares those kids the torture that is the wrong puberty for them
  9. Jfc
  10. Chris is a real one
  11. I just don't have any faith in any non-Democratic run state to actually enforce their laws if they go against the Orange turd
  12. Who's gonna enforce them?
  13. My invite musta be lost in the mail
  14. We've gotten where we are today with Democrats following the rules and acting in good faith at rates far above the "other side." Bang up job it's done for the country. I don't want things to be the way they are. But it's the way things are regardless.
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