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safe sex

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Seriously who gives a fuck what it looks like? Trump said he was coming for all of those people.
  2. Getting locked out of a Snap is a net positive for most people lmao
  3. YOU'RE BACK!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  4. Watch The Straight Story tonight so you can add it to the rankings pls; I'm curious to know where you would put it. I need some time to think about mine
  5. If anyone hasn't seen The Straight Story, it's on Disney+ and is perhaps his most criminally underrated/underseen film. Unlike anything else he made, and yet it fits like a glove into his oeuvre.
  6. I'm dying to know what the last movie he watched was
  7. Twin Peaks: The Return is the greatest artistic achievement on film ever made. Mulholland Dr is one of the best films ever made. There will never be another person like him, and we are all poorer for it. Kyle McLachlan's tribute on Instagram made me cry
  8. Do you see what I did there, Stephen?! Ha-HA!
  9. Lock em up with the rest of the pedos, you disingenuous stain of old squirt from your mom (it's mostly piss)
  10. I love that for her. I'm very pro-Monica; she's a really cool person. It's fantastic for her personally that she can view what happened between her and Clinton in that way. I think she is wrong. It's okay for both of us to feel the ways we feel, and it's okay for y'all to feel however you want about it. But beliefs shape culture and I believe that people with the power to make lives or end lives (figuratively/literally) are not able to have sexual relationships with people who work for them. It's unfortunate that so many still do not and it's even more unfortunate that the progress we have made over just the last ten or so years is regressing quickly. Also I can't stop laughing at comparing Axl Rose (even in his prime) to the President of the United Fucking States k now I'm done and will not respond to further discussion on the topic
  11. I'm not going to argue about the definition of sexual assault with men.
  12. WTB waving off sexual assault as just "shit happens" was not on my 2025 bingo card
  13. Put some cancer in a petri dish and pour some Coke on top and watch it kill the cancer! Big pharma has been keeping the cure from us all along 😞
  14. Did y'all know that Coca-Cola kills cancer cells?!
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