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safe sex

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by safe sex

  1. That is simply not true. Our relationship with Canada will never be the same.
  2. Rioters were in the Capitol while Senators were still in the chamber. If it wasn't for that incredibly brave police officer (his name, to my shame, escapes me right now), there would have been blood spilled. THAT IS PRETTY FUCKING CLOSE
  3. Dude, it isn't just Trump. It's the people behind him, and they saw what didn't work last time. They learned. In a matter of days they have illegally seized large parts of the US government with minimal resistance. Why the fuck wouldn't they be able mess with elections?
  4. That's an insane statement. He tried. Why isn't that enough?
  5. He literally started a riot that tried to stop the 2020 election from being certified.
  6. Fuck off with that bullshit
  7. What good is the message when the media holds you to a standard exponentially higher than what they hold Republicans to?
  8. Stop Feeling Stunned and Wounded, Liberals. It’s Time to Fight Back.
  9. I thought Incredulity was the biggest bitch on the board for a long time, but I'm rethinking my rankings now
  10. My heart aches for you and your family. Your tribute to your father was beautifully written
  11. Democrats tried the fascist line too, and it made less of a blip than weird did. No, the Dems aren't perfect but they are not why Trump won fucking Christ
  12. Very few people are going to be able to read that thread now 🤷‍♀️
  13. It's honestly not that hard. I think I became aware that I could that...the first time I learned about slaves in America
  14. The WASP exhibit was either getting worked on or switched out when I was there, which was a bummer. But as an LBJ nerd, it was beyond cool to get to walk through Air Force One and see the spot where Lyndon successfully completed his coup.
  15. That's one of the best museums I've ever been to. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn't gone. It does mean going to Dayton though, which is less than ideal..
  16. Nobody is focusing on it and no one is triggered. Fucking Christ, it was just something that was pointed out. And yes it matters but of course there are much bigger issues to worry about
  17. Fuckin' a. They are not the same.
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