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safe sex

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by safe sex

  1. Because in America, as has been demonstrated many times throughout modern history, the life of a company is more important than the lives of citizens
  2. Lmao transphobia made you vote for Donald Trump; what a fucking chump
  3. safe sex


    Goddammit, it is not that big of an ask
  4. safe sex


    If you're really insistent on arguing with him, please don't quote him. It ruins the experience for others. 😌
  5. safe sex


    Has the French medical establishment gone completely rogue too??! Their version of the Cass report has been published https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0929693X24001763 Commentary: https://www.assignedmedia.org/breaking-news/cass-report-vs-france-research
  6. I don't know why I was so resistant to the ignore function for so long. Probably some dumb internet posturing of "that means they win" or something rather than simply improving one's experience on Surly.
  7. Calling the richest man in the world a voice of the people
  8. He is worth at the very least a million dollars
  9. The only form of slavery still legal in America. It's in the Constitution
  10. Replying to remind myself to come back to this
  11. It's true of everyone. And I definitely agree that there is a crisis within men in the modern world. But the solution is not to regress. And that's pretty much the only solution offered by anyone who matters
  12. Ric Flair is a scumbag piece of shit of the highest order but I'll be damned if he isn't the greatest professional wrestler of all time
  13. Young white men could solve both the nursing shortage crisis and the nursing pay crisis sigh Come on, dudes!
  14. Lmao Quinn is a public figure who has made more money over the last few years than I have ever made. He can take it. He doesn't give a fuck, I promise. I'm glad he played well today. Will you feel better if I say that his political beliefs make him look like a piece of shit? Is that enough of a distinction without a difference for you, Rex?
  15. I'm sorry but I completely disagree with "almost all." I've had more than one nursing anesthesia program head/counselor tell me that I'm too queer for the field; that they would not be able to protect me from bigots in their departments and schools and communities; and that while I'm talented, smart, and hard working, I am not extraordinarily so, and I would simply not stand out among the deluge of applications that schools in safe areas of the country for me receive. And that is exactly what I experienced over the last three years of applying to CRNA school. Didn't even get an interview. And the program head (U of Tulsa) that first broke that news to me was forced out by the university because she was trying really hard to admit more students from minority backgrounds. That was the semester she wanted to admit me. Lol Do you have any idea how many mediocre white men in nursing anesthesia there are? Much less within the body of physicians? No offense, @GreenspointTexas and any white docs on the board, but from my years in trauma, it's a pretty solid percentage. Things are looking up for mediocre white men and those coming after the current batch God give me the self-confidence of a mediocre white man. Can you imagine where I could be if I didn't have a crushing amount of self-doubt because of a society that has told me over and over throughout my life that it doesn't matter how good I am at anything, or how hard I work at something, there are parts of my core self—my very being—that do. not. belong. But whatever. There isn't a fruitful conversation to be had here. We're not really at odds. Nothing personal, Bozo—you're one of the good ones—but I'm tired. I will never support any policy that would materially harm young white men; will never vote for any candidate that targets them; will never call them slurs while walking on the street; will never mock them for showing vulnerability; will never body shame them; will never sexually assault them in clubs; will never rape them It'd be nice of them to return the favor (Not all young white men®)
  16. Why do you think I continue to cut them slack? I'm not stupid. This is a message board. One of the very few things keeping me above SOME young white men is my nursing degree, which is something literally almost every one of them could achieve if they were willing to do "women's" work.
  17. I've been cutting straight young white men slack my whole fucking life, and all I've gotten from it are lost rights and a threatened existence
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