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safe sex

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by safe sex

  1. I'd rather it be Neil Cavuto, but BB is the second best choice there
  2. safe sex


    I thought the transes gave a dominating advantage to whichever team cheated by allowing them to play? Was that not right? Was that just a crock of shit?
  3. I picked one up at the TCDP location on North Loop. Great shirt!
  4. Hitler was also a Person of the Year.
  5. Sounds fuckin' awesome, but I lost my hospital respirator, so I'm not sure I could handle the air quality in the car
  6. There are plenty of LGB people who are super transphobic. Plenty of them don't think the T should be included in the acronym. Though to be sure, excluding trans people from the "main" queer umbrella would do irreparable damage to the trans community
  7. It'd be neat to at least see it attempted to be enforced before we throw it out?
  8. Louder for the people in the back
  9. Just imagine being that person. Yikes
  10. And just as I am with abortion, I'm very much pro-choice when it comes to military service. I would imagine most people are
  11. Sure, but his Toadies will refer to him as THE President
  12. The only friends that poor kid has are MAGA adults. Tragic
  13. It's probably the least gross of his businesses, so you've got that going for you
  14. idfk but he still has people call him Mr. President and shit
  15. That placard with the seal and "The President" in front of Trump makes me so ragey
  16. What about the situation was "standard?"
  17. He and his brother were kicked out of a wrestling convention for bring transphobic shitbags to a trans wrestler. Of course, it being wrestling-related, they were welcomed back shortly thereafter
  18. He's a real piece of shit, too.
  19. Exactly, because he will deport brown and black people, persecute the queers, and--perhaps most important of all--will make liberals and decent people upset. All things they were terrified of before he ever came down his gauche escalator.
  20. It's not about switching votes; it's about scaring people to the polls. FFS, Dixon, here in Texas they want to revert everyone who has had their gender marker changed on their driver's license and they want to KEEP A LIST of everyone who applies to have their gender marker changed. This has all happened within the last two months. And now Cruz is campaigning solely on transphobia. "Awww, gee, I just don't see how this affects anyone's life or rights. Seems just like Freedom Fries to me. No big deal. Who cares?" You child.
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