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safe sex

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by safe sex

  1. Hunter S. Thompson's Hell's Angels is a pretty decent read if you'd like to learn more about motorcycle gang crime in the 1960s in the sort of way that you learn things from HST (though pre completely drugged out HST to be sure)
  2. You're pretty fucking simple. 🤷‍♀️
  3. Growing up, I got to catch glimpses of that Austin on a handful of visits before it well and truly disappeared. Always wish I could have lived it.
  4. I love Slacker so much. That plus Waking Life as a double bill and just float along with them
  5. You can disincentivize adults working in "dead end jobs" all you want, but in the American capitalist hellscape we inhabit, there will always be a good number of those people, and they deserve the dignity of a living wage just like everyone else
  6. Jeff Nichols is a great director, but this is definitely a weird choice for him given the rest of the movies he's directed. Love Tom Hardy and Jody Comer with their accents
  7. From the "About" section on their site: Wanting it to be harder for employees to sue their employers to enforce Labor Code violations? Yeah, I'm sure they're real above board.
  8. Eyes Wide Shut every Christmas season at a Drafthouse.
  9. Great fuckin' flick. The exact kind of movie that would become a theatrical hit by word of mouth if Netflix (and most studios) would let a movie like this stay in theaters for more than a week or two.
  10. Admitting the con might hurt ratings for later shows. Easy choice for him
  11. Does BK have Hi-C orange cooler? No? Then the choice is p obvious
  12. Ken would never ban books
  13. There are historical precedents for both, and the results aren't close
  14. He lives in one of the most racist towns in the state. He'll be fine
  15. Were you under the impression I was saying that security deposits don't exist?
  16. How do you expect to get full value out of your kidneys if you're just running water through them?
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