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safe sex

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by safe sex

  1. You do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to the Nazis
  2. Unlucky this did so poorly, because it was a lot of fun. Definitely a movie worth seeing in theaters
  3. I def agree for the most part, but there's too much money to be made for them to do that. Can't see them going all in on theatrical animated films for the X-Men.
  4. Speaking of En Sabah Nur and how to address him, he's quite the diplomat: and historian
  5. Please no. I can't handle another "no more mutants" moment.
  6. I have a lot of feelings, all of them positive and none of which I'll delve into here, but I'm beyond excited (and a little trepidatious due to Beau de Mayo's limited involvement) for season 2. What version of the X-Men will we get in the MCU now? I feel like the animated version is by far now the definitive version within wider pop culture, but will Disney just plug and play?
  7. It's not baffling. Lots of people, I'm sure, are in the mindset of "oh it's not good for one party to have all the power even tho the other party is insane and traitorous"
  8. Spent the night in MO over the Christmas holiday, and I really wanted to over Imo's to finally try St. Louis Pizza, but the delivery time versus Pizza Hut was over an hour's difference. I do regret my decision in the moment now
  9. I'd like to party with all four of those gals. I bet they've got a fantastic pharmacy between them
  10. Takes more effort, and I'm not about it
  11. This is why you shouldn't give two fucks about any neg you receive for any reason. They are imaginary internet points. They mean literally nothing but whatever you put into them. My siblings in Christ, they are but pixels on a screen.
  12. I'd rather have Pappy O'Daniel
  13. Does not change the fact that he illegally conducted foreign policy negotiations to influence the election while not being President, much less any agent of the federal government. So I guess he wasn't as confident without the benefit of historical hindsight.
  14. Reagan rat fucked Carter. And the rest of the country
  15. And thus Jesus spake: I have multiplied these loaves and fishes to feed all, but if you don't have a job you can't have any; if you are disabled you can't have any; if you already take charity from others you can't have any; if you're a gross foreigner, you definitely can't have any.
  16. @immamac The above post is a perfect example of why a neutral eye roll emoji would be a great addition
  17. One of the best of us
  18. Any money in the wreath fund for some lawyers?
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