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safe sex

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Fuckin' a. They are not the same.
  2. How could they not?? Cleavage is one of God's greatest gifts to us humans. Ya just need to be respectful So aesthetic 🤌
  3. Deleted my Twitter months ago and on Monday i deleted my Facebook account that has been active since the first day they expanded past Harvard. Fuck 'em
  4. Words directly from my father's mouth..
  5. Maybe the only time I've appreciated him being quoted. Thanks I guess?
  6. Thread title needs a change now that he's out of the Nazi closet in his best SS uniform
  7. Walked by a homeless guy the other night on my way to get some food. As I passed, he yelled "I want some cunnnnnnt." So I've got that going for me.
  8. If you're willing to deadname trans people that you deem not worthy, it tells every trans person who sees your deadnaming that their transition and your acceptance of it is conditional.
  9. Seriously who gives a fuck what it looks like? Trump said he was coming for all of those people.
  10. Getting locked out of a Snap is a net positive for most people lmao
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