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Mighty fine

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Everything posted by Mighty fine

  1. Got it from Guns Warehouse based on some comments upthread. Was very pleased with the customer service
  2. Picked up a new fidget spinner today.
  3. I bet the Swiss entrepreneurs developing those suicide pods are getting nervous
  4. I just recieved e form 4 approval on my supressor; submitted first week of January '23. I was getting itchy Eta: I submitted about a week before the atf rule on braces, so I suspect my app fell to the bottom of the influx of paperwork
  5. After reading the story, it sounds like the county pauper cemetery is located on the same land as the jail, but the graves aren't necessarily tied to the prison. Ie, unclaimed or indigent deaths from county hospital, etc. Other than poor taste in location, I'm not sure what the story is here. A mass grave wasn't 'discovered'...it's the pauper cemetery.
  6. Your take generally aligns with my observations. One thing that I don't think is largely understood is how quickly/how much the gen-z gamers types turned hobby shooters are creating a subculture somewhat unique from the other gun owner types (hunters, gravy seals, etc). I used to have a sour attitude towards black rifles and had more of the mindset of Brisket, then I bought an 80 percent lower just to tinker and see if I could build one. The process of doing that (researching, watching videos, fucking up) flipped the switch for me. Tinkering with black rifles has made me a much more effective gun rights advocate compared to the NRA culture I grew up around in the 80s and 90s
  7. Saudi doesn't have dudes with the will to do bad stuff...is this a serious statement? I mean, my impression is that Saudi will do any and every fucked up thing you can come up with, so long as they see it as being in their best interests.
  8. Ha, I just saw that that he has a new video with LEOs shooting his mp7. Figuring this was a quick CYA move?
  9. Looking at aerials of the facility (Sound resource solutions), looks like they primarily have totes on site and space for a handful of tanker trailers.
  10. I've been enthralled by battleships since i was a kid. Lee at Guadacanal is one of my favorite accounts of the pacific theater. Being an Olympian in rifle shooting, then going on to run a battleship division like a calvaryman charging on horseback with pistols blazing.... fucking awesome
  11. There are two separate youtube channels I follow , Patrick Boyle and Coffeezilla, which have some petty good videos with a lot of investigative background and general commentary on this.
  12. Some asshole pissed on my first one, then the replacement I procured was subsequently stolen by a crazy red head.
  13. Ended up getting a Henry 357 instead of the python. Took the difference and also got a P365 Macro
  14. The news this evening reported that he was tripping on mushrooms at the time of the incident
  15. Seems odd that KXAN didn't have any info/questions for LCRA in that story. I imagine they're one of the parties being primarily impacted.
  16. Anyone have any opinions on the second generation Pythons? Have been debating between one of these or a lever action 357.
  17. Yes, kind of trippy; never experienced this before. Went ahead and shut off breakers to my electronics. Wondering if maybe someone has a generator wired up improperly.
  18. Pea size hail starting at parmer/Anderson mil
  19. Pretty good steady shower going on in 78729 for the last half hour
  20. Go by the ATN store at Barton Creek mall and you can demo some of their thermal and digital night vision optics. A suppressor won't do you any good for this fall; I'm on month 9 waiting for approval on my eform 4 for mine
  21. After reading some follow up information regarding the communication system, I'm under the belief that the leaked messages are bogus. The communication system relies on coded messages/shorthand and sonar pulses. Full string text wouldn't be feasible.
  22. Have been using a thermal on my ar10 build and am a fan of it, but I'm generally shooting from the back porch a couple hundred yards into the pasture. For an sbr, I'd suggest nv compatible holographic or ir laser, and goggles. Much more user friendly moving between targets at close range, and doesn't fuck up your eye as much from looking at a bright digital image Edit: x2
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