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Mighty fine

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Everything posted by Mighty fine

  1. Bah, thought I was in the plane thread
  2. To dark to for me make these out, but pretty good airshow over Cedar Creek tonight
  3. Came across the incident investigation report for the Byford Dolphin a couple of days ago (reddit i think). It has photos of the aftermath; gruesome ordeal all in the blink of an eye
  4. Comrade Trotsky suggests you find a different country
  5. I've seen a lot of post comparing current events to 1917. I'm not the biggest Russian/soviet history buff, but I think this is a bit more akin to 1953. I hypothesize that Putin is on the way out and this ball has been rolling for the last month. What we're seeing now is just jockeying for his job.
  6. I'm in 78729. It's been a steady pour for about an hour. Looking at the radar, there may still be a bit to come
  7. The plant was in Athens. It was abandoned when I was little, if not before my time. We'd drive by it on the way to the skating rink. I didn't realize the scale of the operation until much later on.
  8. There's also the episode of with Luann and the pig farm operation. Seemed like that was a general reference to Arlen in the earlier episodes, like when Hank was chatting with the sooner propane salesman in the Cowboys training camp episode.
  9. I saw a yellow helicopter with a person standing on one skid go from around Seton northwest over mopac towards national instruments on my way home around 4:30. At first I thought it was a life fight, but it seemed to just hover around different areas
  10. I've been piecing this 308 build together over the last year. I'm expecting it to be about 7 more months until I get my form 4 approved and my supressor ships. Would like to eventually put a thermal scope on it for nighttime pig hunting.
  11. I read Samuel Little was active up until 2005. I think he is the most recent, and may have the US record for victims
  12. Regarding brackish desal, SAWS has a decent setup. One thing to keep in mind, as mentioned up thread, the cost for groundwater desal considerably more economic than sea water desal because you're not having to knock out as much TDS. Plus, you also can further reduce the treatment demand if you have enough freshwater to blend it down before going to distribution. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  13. As a more local utilization of the excess Mississippi, I think managed aquifer recharge of the Ogallala is worth investigating in more detail. My opinion is that continued dewatering of the Ogallala and high plains aquifer systems poses a a greater threat in terms of long term supply resiliency Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  14. Saw this from earlier today. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/oberlin-court-wont-hear-appeal-in-25-million-judgment/
  15. Agreed. But, if it were capable of supplying large demands, could you imagine the legal/ regulatory shit show regarding appropriation of atmospheric water?
  16. Over the last few years there have been a number of threads on here regarding water resources related topics. I found myself trying to find a few of these today and was wishing there was a centralized repository for these, hence this thread. As the number of water users and development continue to increase both across the state and especially locally, we're likely going to have to be a bit more creative in how we manage our supplies and mitigate storm water impacts. The State has a couple of decades of experience in water supply planning, and is just wrapping up their inaugural flood plan efforts. New technologies/ strategies are being implemented to address these areas. Here's one of my favorite technical topics with local relevance: https://www.austinmonitor.com/stories/2022/05/austin-water-to-announce-pilot-aquifer-storage-site-by-the-end-of-next-year/ As this board seems to have quite a few bright people with diverse backgrounds and views on these subjects, I figured this would be a good place to discuss as these topics come up.
  17. Looks like you now have a solid reason to go purchase a .357 sig
  18. Solid rain for the last half hour at westgate/290
  19. Looks like probably the backside of a neighborhood sign
  20. Probably because we've already paid considerably more
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