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Everything posted by BeautifullyFurnishedCasita

  1. EA's money maker. Spend in-game currency (or real money because they make it expensive as hell) to open packs with cards of players, then build a team from those cards and play online or offline with it. Big time or money waste to get the best cards. Really became popular in FIFA around 2012, was in every game by 2014, and by 2016 it was their main focus in every game
  2. Really a beautiful thing to spend this much time arguing about throwing motions in this thread without mentioning Lacey's. I won't start.
  3. Talked to Gerry and he personally confirmed he uses the Lawnmower 5.0. Gotta think the added comfort and weight loss helps him chase down recruits
  4. I'm at Butler for grad school, need the bulldogs to hold on
  5. I'm so happy that's the only time they'll get to watch us play a conference game there
  6. "Just skip the line and go straight to the can" is unintentionally the most accurate description for skyline chili
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