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  1. That bitch is nothing but a keyboard warrior who talks shit on the internet but would shit his pants in real life if he tried to stand up to me. I take that bitch to the cleaners. You want me to move on fine I'm moving on Carry on. But doesn't change the fact that he's a cowardly little fucking cunt. I have zero respect for keyboard tough guys. See ya cunts.
  2. That bitch started it because he couldn't handle any mention of Evan Stewart. Frankly I couldn't give a fuck what you think about it.
  3. Closetojumping is one of those guys who no one in his life takes seriously so he has to feel like a big man to be the content manager on a random message board. It shouldn't be so much fun to trigger him but I can't help myself.
  4. Lmao priceless. Now that I see that you are triggered so easily it's going to be tough to resist. Evan Stewart says hi.
  5. Lol I love seeing fools get triggered. This is a message board where people spew bullshit all day and that includes you dumbass. How about we let sark make the call on Stewart unless you think you know more than him? Our job is to bs. that's what makes this place great. You really need to drink less coffee in the morning. Your username fits.
  6. For someone who doesn't give any thought to Stewart you sure do get triggered when someone mentions Stewart.
  7. Hadn't considered that but you're right.
  8. Still one little thing you need to take care of my man.
  9. it's kyle and will be their super bowl....a blowout would be fun yeah...but this game will be massive for them. We also should have beat OU easily this year. Funny shit happens sometimes.
  10. Losing Wingo would suck but grabbing Stewart would be a great consolation prize. You just know he'll catch the game winning TD at kyle next year, sending the ags into full meltdown.
  11. Well fuck now that I know it pisses you off that just gives me motivation to avoid it all together I will also avoid commas just to annoy you further because that's the most important thing this morning right?
  12. I'm going on little sleep bro I'm surprised that's my only mistake so far but give me some time there will be more
  13. That's fair. But it wouldn't be signing day without Horn fans freaking out a bit.
  14. Evan s. Let's not be grammar police so early in the morning.
  15. I think if we lose wingo we'll grab Evans which is a pretty good option to have. I worry about his locker room issues like everyone else but I think the best solution to room issues is a very strong locker room and we have that.
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