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Everything posted by FtheBig12

  1. Does sark have no faith in his punter or does he just go full retard on 4th down? Going for it is one thing but taking your starting quarterback out of the play on 4th down just seems stupid.
  2. Yeah it's really going to be bad when Texas and Oklahoma are gone because with the amount of parity left in this shitty conference there will have to be some epic level fuckery going on to keep a team in playoff contention at the top..... And no one will be watching so it will be easy to get away with.
  3. Fair enough. I've personally never had an issue at kyle but I did at okie light so I'm a little biased. Doesn't mean I don't love the Aggie's inferiority complex.
  4. Oklahoma's "little brother" is almost as bad as ours....almost.
  5. I've been saying that since before the season began. We might as well accept it now they're not going to let it happen.
  6. Of course. They benefit more than any other program in the conference.
  7. Just means those corrupts pieces of shit will call more pass int on texas DBs now.
  8. Probably analysing that defensive rape of stoops to show up with an explanation how that wasn't pass interference.
  9. Old enough to have seen earl in the cotton bowl as a kid. You're mistaking my post for defending Mack and I'm not. I was so ready for that ass to go. Just simply pointing out the boosters were way too involved in the program. I don't understand why that seems to trigger you so much but I'll let it go. You seem like the type that just can't handle someone with an opinion different than yours and I learned a long time ago these debates are pointless. It's ancient history and not worth arguing about. You can have the last word I'm not interested in continuing this silly argument.
  10. You don't think pressuring mack to change coordinators multiple times was interfering? I guess you and I have just completely different ideas of their interference level and that's okay. it's all water under the bridge anyway. Like I said I did know someone who was connected with someone on the inside at that time and was told some concerning issues but the guy could have been lying to me. I'll never know because this person's access was gone the day Mack left. Everyone seemed to have a contact in those days and that was part of the problem I think.
  11. that right there explains it. There is no group of fans with a bigger case of "butthurt syndrome" than husker fans.
  12. At this point all we can do is let the rig 12 fans have their moment. They know they are going to sink to irrelevance after the two "evil empires" are gone. Fear causes people to lash out incoherently. Let them have their moment. They aren't going to let us win this conference fairly so our only chance is to win convincingly....but Sark has to get better for that to happen. No more stupid game time decisions.
  13. who's protecting Mack? He deserves a lot of credit for building a great program but that doesn't excuse his total meltdowns against stoops. I don't recall ever defending him. Might want to tone down the insults though. It's called discussion. You don't agree..that's fine. Like you probably do I actually do know some people tied into the program..not as much now as back then. CDC has done a good job keeping distractions to the minimum and it's why I think he was such a great hire. You don't think Mack giving so much access to boosters was an issue?
  14. you can disagree. Nothing wrong with that. Of course I did leave out the issue of Mack Brown shitting his pants every time he saw stoops on the other sideline....but I stand by my statement.
  15. He's right you know. Our problem were boosters who went al davis on this program and an AD (dodds) who was too arrogant for his own good. So happy to have CDC now. Someone who can push back on the meddling boosters. We are in good hands.
  16. Frankly I think they would sell their first born to keep Texas from winning this conference this year. it's obvious at this point.
  17. So true. We're definitely got some calls when Mack was coach. Iowa state was robbed on that goal line fumble recovery for a TD. Mack sold his soul for that one So long ago....
  18. Yet he interviewed here and was hired. Further proof the boosters have no idea what they are doing with this program...thank God they grew a brain and hired cdc.
  19. If we do make the title game it wouldn't Surprise me if we played Oklahoma State and I think we can imagine the refereeing horror that will occur in that game. It will make the Charlie Strong game look like kids play. We're not winning this conference they are never going to allow that so just buckle up. We simply can't afford sark's typical terrible game decisions the rest of the way He's got to get better.
  20. It's the price we're going to have to pay to leave this shitty conference. The fans of the rig 12 schools know they're going to be irrelevant in football once we're gone so this is their last hurrah so to speak. I just wish sports media like ESPN would pick up on what's going on. I'm surprised they're not since Texas is such a cash cow for them The sooner we accept that they will never allow texas or oklahoma to win this conference this year the easier the no lube ass rape that is coming is going to be.
  21. For my very first post I would just like to say fuck the Big 12 and the Big 12 referees. I really wish sark had the balls to get in front of a microphone post game and just rip those fucking pussies to shreds.
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